Brix levels, do they matter? What raises the Brix level? šŸ”„

Squeezed a finishing plant and got nothing lol i need like .25ml for this digi one so thats one downside i guess. Need to wait for pruning some outdoor plants.

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No I heard at the beginning was when it shows its true higher numbersā€¦ am I wrong??

I believe this is what I meant when I talked about nitrate nitrogenā€¦ I miss interpreted the video at 1stā€¦ but whatever causes this I do absolutely want to avoid

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Idk for sure as I havenā€™t personally done enough testing myself but most of what Iā€™m finding says if you only check it once a day, check it at midday, which is what I was saying.

How to Use a Refractometer ā€“ Integrity Soils.


Oh right on okā€¦ Iā€™m glad we talked about that lolā€¦
So to keep brix high and actually manipulate the plant to ā€œstay strongā€ fulvic acid as a foliar each timeā€¦ thatā€™s crazy man how something like that will help it

thatā€™s what I love about bubble hash vs dabs. It feels a lot more well rounded and natural while still being clear and head centered relative to bud

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Hereā€™s another thoughtā€¦ say youā€™re checking brix at 2 pm area because lights on are at 6 amā€¦ and off at 12 pm ā€¦ i wonder what fluctuation happens during the light change from say 18/6 to 12/12 ā€¦ and how youā€™d know how to stay on track with previous recordings etcā€¦

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Well damn u just made me fall in love with bubble hash :heart_eyes:

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Well if youā€™re taking the brix at ā€œmiddayā€ so 9hrs into veg or 6hrs into flower, Iā€™d think itā€™d be the same?


Thatā€™s my questionā€¦ Iā€™m curious to as if it is different because of the changes going on in the plant and light schedule ā€¦ @HolyAngel Iā€™m willing to bet photosynthetic demand from light strength plays a part as well ā€¦ itā€™s all very curious and intriguingly fun to attempt to understandā€¦

So for exampleā€¦ say your ppfd increase wasnā€™t the same amount of dli for the day ā€¦ Iā€™d think thereā€™d be a difference


Iā€™ve heard about a modified vice grips technique that is supposed to work pretty well. Iā€™ll look for the link and share when I find it. As for watering, it should be easier to get juice out of well hydrated plants compared to plants during drought. Risk of dilution would be residual water that could contaminate the sample rather than the sap itself being watered down from what Iā€™ve researched, but I could be mistaken about that. Plants high in nitrates would be an exception to this from what Iā€™ve read, that they bring water along subsequently reducing brix.

Also it may be worth considering the barometric pressure of the intake air being supplied to the plants, even if theyā€™re grown indoors in climate controlled spaces I think it can affect the transport of sugars and such in the plants. If itā€™s rainy or overcast outside or in the near term forecast it could very well be signaling the plants to prepare for the forecasted weather events on the horizon.

Awesome topic @Terpsnpurps. Many blessings and much love


Thank you my friendā€¦ I have to agree with the watering and drought differencesā€¦ I hope in the end we will all have impeccable knowledge on this allā€¦ :pray: @Sbeanonnamellow