Brix levels, do they matter? What raises the Brix level? šŸ”„

Hereā€™s a link to og talking about brix a while backā€¦ way back!

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The chart seems to indicate that. :thinking:
How about that? :sunglasses:

My take on Brix is it is an good indication of plant health and I have not found it to be useful for anything else personally.


maybe I am missing something ā€¦
My understanding with ā€œhigh brixā€ is not so much increasing the sugars in the plants but feeding the microbes in the soil ā€¦ which leads to many benefits.
Iā€™m still learning but one highly respected grower jokingly said to meā€¦ microbes like to eat rocks not molasses and from there I went down a rabbit hole LOL

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Itā€™s almost like no one is reading the articles postedā€¦ from the articles posted I lean towards its extremely important ā€¦ for a multitude of reasonsā€¦
Plant health, bud density, plant weight, sign of deficiency like boronā€¦ or calcium early enough to fix before the plant shows signs.
Idk I think heavier buds absolutely means better buds in that aspectā€¦
High brix absolutely means better flavorā€¦


To be fair, the articles you have posted are mostly from someone who has something to gain by saying brix is a vital point to keep track of. I do agree with shag that itā€™s a good indicator of overall health, but I havenā€™t found anything convincing to me that it should be looked at instead of anything. Vpd, hydration status, microbe diversity, ppfd and EC all correlate more directly to what we seek in cannabis. At least in my opinion. Maybe by observing how the brix fluctuates during the day you can see the rate at which plants are using things carried by sugarā€¦and in turn, maybe shoot for a goal % reduction from morning to night to ensure youā€™re using the nutrients your dumping off. Thatā€™s about where Iā€™m at


How does dinafem gain by saying that? U must be talking about either the refractometer sales (not a ton of profit there) or cultured biologicsā€¦

I still think there is more to it than just how sugars are moved around etcā€¦
I wonā€™t disregard something seeming so important
I want strawberries that taste like strawberriesā€¦ and my weed to taste exactly as rich as its supposed to as wellā€¦ from the flavor and density high brix providesā€¦ and it is a fact that it makes plants heavier, and taste betterā€¦ itā€™s all I needed to hearā€¦ again though Iā€™d like to find people here on og that know or can truly in reality either explain it to the degree of how important it isā€¦ Iā€™m sure as this thread unfolds further , and this is my goalā€¦ we will all have a greater understanding of brixā€¦ how to safely raise itā€¦ and what it really means besides what we already knowā€¦
That it indicated plant health. High brix is betterā€¦ high brix improves flavors and shelf livesā€¦ and last but not leastā€¦ improves bud or plant densityā€¦ bud is part of the plantā€¦ and I want mine like a rock if possibleā€¦


They have two links to two of their other articles. Iā€™m sure leading to more links and how to get started. I donā€™t think itā€™s malicious, but itā€™s written by a finance and marketing person and they donā€™t list any of their resources for where they are getting the info. It seems pretty angled to me. I could be crazy though.

And I know their site says they donā€™t sell seeds but it also feels like a lead intoā€¦ ā€˜start your high brix journey with our geneticsā€™


I mean explaining importance of brix doesnā€™t make me want to buy their products or click other links

I just wanted to figure out how to make that happen rather than buy somethingā€¦ as growers we all know most can be made for next to free in a compost pile outsideā€¦
So a sales pitch doesnā€™t seem the caseā€¦ Iā€™ll try to find more without a link I supposeā€¦
But just because a link is posted on a page doesnā€™t mean the article was attempting to lie on its original statements


Letā€™s try to find proof brix is not important in those ways as well buddy

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Iā€™m not trying to rain on your parade my dude. Brix may very well lead to better quality cannabis. I just havenā€™t seen anything that really says that to me. Brix is well defined and well studied but not as it relates to cannabis, really. I spent a chunk of time looking for answers but just found words. It may be something, but I donā€™t know.

This is dinafems recommendation to increase brix. These are also pretty common things you want anytime youā€™re growing cannabisā€¦leading me to believe well grown cannabis maybe will always have high brix, but high brix doesnā€™t mean well grown cannabis. Ya know? Idk Iā€™m just shooting the shit with you. Oh look. I missed the link they put down on good nutrients :wink:


Lolā€¦ no donā€™t get me wrong buddyā€¦ I want to find the proofā€¦ and once and for all definitively know what is actually best for marijuana itselfā€¦ itā€™s qualityā€¦ etc.
So letā€™s do itā€¦ letā€™s go down this rabbit hole together

Because true info is always what I am afterā€¦ Iā€™m here to learn not be mislead (not saying anyone is misleading) it means we need to get the facts


The 1 concern I have is the nitrate nitrogen causing brix to lower over timeā€¦ then continue to over each generationā€¦ thatā€™s a scary fact


Higher Brix levels means a healthier plant if I understand correctly. A healthier plant will produce better buds.


What spurs this? Iā€™ve been on the go all day but will be sitting down soon to give a google

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Some chatgpt researchā€¦

I got a digital refractometer today but looks like Iā€™d kinda want a regular one too, in order to see if the line is fuzzy or not :thinking:

I do find it interesting chat says tobacco generally ranges from 12-22% brix, but cannabis is generally 4-8%.


Iā€™ll have to find the post I saw but someone in my reading yesterday claimed 22% being the best for cannabis. Will find it.


Thereā€™s a bunch of papers on this:

And I tend to agree. Itā€™s why I donā€™t run a bunch of N in flower.


I also remember all the green/golden colored bud I used to get back in the day being outstanding. Havenā€™t seen any really over the last decade or so tho.


Anecdotally, plants that produce the sticky sap you posted a picture of the other day have always burned whitest and smoothest :thinking:

Hereā€™s a whole shop in Vermont that is using brix as their claim to fame it seems. Interesting.

And hereā€™s Chad Westport chatting about it. I donā€™t hate the guy, not sure what everyoneā€™s opinions are but itā€™s a pretty well written first post. It all seems to devolve into phosphorus cycling and microbe activity.


Man I canā€™t wait to get home to read all thisā€¦ Iā€™m driving ughā€¦