Brix levels, do they matter? What raises the Brix level? šŸ”„

What are you trying to say? Iā€™m honestly not understanding

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In the beginning I was, but i didnā€™t follow up from the mid


Appreciate your admission. Maybe go read a bit


Iā€™m only sayingā€¦ itā€™s 2024ā€¦ and we should all be really defining what IS the superior way to growā€¦ certain things like brixā€¦ nutrient choicesā€¦ lighting choices ā€¦ all play a roleā€¦ as an entire website that is stacked full of growers this should be our goal always above allā€¦ to find the honest to God way of growing superior marijuana that not only gets you high or provides medical benefits but lasts! Doesnā€™t anyone remember weed lasting more than it doesā€¦ Iā€™m talking shelf lifeā€¦ and how long the buzz or effects lastā€¦ that shit matters to me to a degree I canā€™t explain


Chapter 5. Photosynthesis and respiration
Chapter 8. Plant structure, growth, and development
Chapter 10. Roots and plant nutrition
Chapter 11. Leaves: photosynthesis and transpiration

I think this can explain well. This was the reason why I said I canā€™t provide scientific paper. But then I get to know anyway there was no scientific source in the thread so this must do the job. I canā€™t directly link the book but go check out Library Genesis


You are so right buddy.

and I really wanted to give some tips how plant science are studied and done my countless of people for centuries so we can look into the studies theyā€™ve done and not waste time on something that is already done.

i think some of my way of saying looked an asshole. Thatā€™s my bad. didnā€™t mean it. just wasnā€™t thinking much. focused on information transfer.


Yet some of the sources are well accreditedā€¦ whether scientific or notā€¦ obviously have found proof scientifically themselvesā€¦ Iā€™m sure dinafem isnā€™t going on a whim


I get that. Iā€™m not upset, I just want to be clear about your claims and be able to build off of them. Iā€™m sorry to come off aggressively. I was hasty with my hate


Iā€™ve had very little chance to scour the internet scientifically on this subjectā€¦ but Iā€™m sure as this plays out we surely all willā€¦ and that is the purpose of this threadā€¦ to prove 1 way or the otherā€¦ whether the brix level helps and in how many ways factually


ah i didnā€™t mean like that.
i was literally thinking that the guy was asking for scientific paper but then I scrolled up after and realized it was more casual sources passing around. Of course, some of them must be good!


sterile hydroponics works without microbesā€¦


appreciate. we good buddy
i literally was focused on info transfer like a robot
thinking now, quite fcked up from myself


Oh its all good buddyā€¦ we are all here for 1 thingā€¦ to improveā€¦ yeah? I assure youā€¦ no matter what this thread will help people do that ā€¦ along with the rest of this site and all the people in it. I love knowledgeā€¦ and I only want to learn good true factual info


Sugar(glucose) production is literally a byproduct of photosynthesis. Microbes have nothing to do with it.

Microbes would only be beneficial in soil to break down your non-available nutrients.

Hydroponics is feeding available nutrients. No breaking down necessary.


Thanks for the good point

Since I work with hydro 9 out of 10 times, microbes are not even a consideration
Sometimes, trichoderma is considered because they are effective for plant immune system as well as can innoculate on hydroponic substrates.

but yea, generally microbes are not being used in hydroponic. No need to + they canā€™t innoculate in high phosphoric sulfate condition.


This is where I find a division in beliefā€¦ hydro vs organicā€¦ and oh godā€¦ please no one let that become an argument lolā€¦

But hydro nitrogen typically are the ā€œbadā€ or ā€œcheaperā€ nitrogenā€¦ and generally is the source that will lower the brixā€¦

But that I do not know for sureā€¦ itā€™s been something Iā€™ve been seeing as I read about this thoughā€¦ so that is scary as wellā€¦ because if thatā€™s trueā€¦ then hydroā€¦ unless done specifically in a certain way lowers brix wonā€™t taste as good etcā€¦
As organic will be an easier achieved higher brix wayā€¦ am I wrong?


No buddy, they are the exact same nitrogen.

NO3- and NH4+. Only the format plants take up N besides few really weird ass exception somewhere in the world.
Both N form exist in both organic nutrient solutions and mineral nutrient solutions.


As nitrate nitrogen in hydroā€¦ being the dominant nitrogenā€¦ it states will lower brixā€¦ Iā€™m so frigging confused


yep what @mongbae said

any NH4+ aka ammonium will get converted to no3- aka nitrate


Haha I feel you

Okay, NO3- : NH4+ ratio is important to play around rootzone pH, especially in hydro where pH can fluctuate easier.

The ratio have nothing to do with quality. It is a good factor to control rootzone pH. End of story.

But i can add that in mineral nutrient solution you can change ratio you want but in organic nutrient solution, you technically cannot really do that easily. nearily impossible in short term period