Bruce Banner or the Green Mountain Hulk

Hi everyone!Here is my first outdoor grow, my last one was about 23 years ago. I just started growing again. Mostly indoors. So… anyways here she is!

Started seeds indoors in 1 gallon pots and within a month i transplanted to a 5 gallon pot since she was screaming for it. I intended on growning this one indoors but since it’s such a beast, I decided to go outdoors with it.

Transplanted outside in northern vermont on May 22nd, since then she has survived 5 nights below freezing, numerous cold wet weather days. Simple bed sheet covers surrounded in hay at night kept her safe. I marked the stake when I transplanted and measured this morning. Since transplant she grew 11inches (all stem). Just under 30 inches and only 52 days old.

I’ve since renamed it and it’s now known as
The Green Mountain hulk


Welcome to OG @NEK-Fowldog . Look forward to seeing your grow. You need to let your pics finish uploading 100% before posting by the way. :smiley:


Welcome @NEK-Fowldog I’ll look forward to watching your progress.


Looks like you’re off to a good start, @NEK-Fowldog’s. I see you’re keeping it close so you’re able to keep a constant eye on her! :eyes: :mag_right:

BTW - as @Floyd said, you should wait for your pictures to finish loading before submitting your post. You can see the progress of your uploads in the preview window on the right when you’re creating a post.

For those who want to see the “Green Mountain Hulk” and don’t want to download that picture, here you go:


Good luck, strong sunshine and large harvests to you sir! :smiley:


Looks like it’s off to a good start and you got a nice thick mulch layer going. Also looks like it will have some friends joining in soon maybe? I see a widely prepped area right there haha. Cheers and good luck!

Tomatoes and peppers in that bed Just added some beets to that bed. Going to add a sunflower or 6 for some height comparisons.

The hulk sits on top of about 36 inches of a superb organic compost mix. Roots should do well😁


She’s beautiful! It seems plants growth structures are a little different outside then under a grow light. I’m liking the natural look for sure! Keep the updates coming☺️

Beautiful hot summer days. The growth rate on this hog has me baffled. Not sure if some fast version seeds got mixed in.


Had a visitor this morning scoping out my grow.


Looking for his lil’ buddy there in the foreground.

After a close encounter last year I always look out the door first before walking out.

Nice setup. Mulching makes a huge difference esp with watering.


We have few bee hives that we use the bales to protect them during the winter. Mostly as a wind break. So we recycle bales into the garden. It works well.

He was poking around the other day by the bees…


Hulk still looking strong


Hmm, uploads are weird…


That’s a huge stalk! And wow how awesome it must be to have bears in your back yard, so much cooler then possoms! Is all of that cannabis or do ya got veggies going too?

You think they’re awesome until they tear up some shit or go bear on your ass.

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Nah, all veggies. Just my legal limit for my state.

Yeah, thankfully they havent gotten into the bees, they like the compost this time of the year.

Growing nice and bushy, I topped.her a while ago trying to keep her on the short side… not sure that’s going to happen.


She’s definitely living up to the new name!