Bubblegumball5000 Seed Run

Yeah, I grew four of his Tombstones (Triangle x Stardawg) a while back and all four of them were definitely Triangle-dominant, structure-wise. They all turned out male, though, so I never got to try any of the flower. But yeah, the possibility of finding something female-dominant is definitely there.

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So I have been promising an update with the new and improved plan so here we go…
After learning a bit more about the Fleur De Mal Bubblegum I now see that doing a straight “reproduction” would be both ethically wrong, since these are pre-release testers that are available for purchase from FDM, and also unlikely to produce consistent results, as they are not an IBL. In light of this the plan has changed somewhat, here is the new plan.

Welcome to the
Bubblegumball5000: Bubblegum from coast to coast:
I have been able, through the kind donations of the members here on OG, to gain access to several different breeders’ takes on bubblegum. I will be growing them all out side by side, posting weekly updates here comparing them, and eventually crown a champion, the “best” bubblegum out there! Gumballs start your engines!

The contestants/genetics in this event are:
1)Fleur De Mal Indiana Bubblegum ('91 Indiana Bubblegum cut x '96 Bubblegum Serious Seeds) by @Baudelaire courtesy of @Slick1 and @Dirtron
2) BOGglegum courtesy of @FailingForwards
3) Greenpoint Seeds Bodega Bubblegum courtesy of @minitiger
4) THSeeds Bubblegum courtesy of @middleman
5) CSI Bubblegum S1 courtesy of @Art_Vandelay
6) Calyx Bros Bubblegum S1 Courtesy of @Kakalak

A Huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated seeds for this run, it would not be happening without you!

Now this is a seed run, and also possibly the start of a longer term collaborative breeding effort… I will be taking the “Best” male in the whole grow, and crossing it to the best female of each strain (unless there is a real “looser” that just gets eliminated from procreation). The resulting seeds will be distributed to you, the members of OG, either via the co-op boxes (I am not sure if this qualifies for co-op distribution), or directly by me/us.

I will make a sign-up list, and will add those who have already expressed interest up-thread, once the seed harvest is a sure thing and I have a rough count of the number of seeds produced, and thus number of sign up slots available.

I hope to get a 2ed tent going in time to also take a 2ed male, the next best that is from a different line than the 1st male, and make a similar set of crosses to the next best female of each strain, but this is not set in stone.

In the interest of breeding these long term I will also try to collect and keep pollen from the selected males, and clones of the selected females, to allow for back-crosses. Thus far my attempts at pollen collection has been more miss than hit.

Hopefully this is as much fun for everyone watching as it is for me in the drivers seat!

Thanks for Tuning In,
Dirtron et al.


This is so rad @Dirtron.

It’s like a sunglass sporting dog riding a bmx doing the big pipes from a 30ft freefall drop onto a skateboard with super positive ska playing in the background RAD.


We’re gonna have so much bubblegum a baseball team is going to spontaneously form around it.


Great job dude , watching and waiting with extreme interest


Yet another piece falls into place…
THSeeds Bubblegum courtesy of @middleman with an assist from @Sebring!
Thanks to both of you!!!

Just waiting on a few late invites, and it’s off to the races!


Might as well start thinking of changing you name now . Soon you’ll be known as the King of bubblegum.maybe Mr Bubble gum hope you find a high thc pheno any gum I’ve had other than @Kakalak plum gum
has been on the weak side!


Doin it up right and doin it up right!
This is fantastic @Dirtron
Many thanks and much appreciation!


Cool man! Sounds like a great project for a classic strain.

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This is looking like a real heater of a breeding run! Some awesome genetics here! :+1::+1::fire::fire:


I feel honored to be able to watch this come to life! I’m just having a basic grow, feeling very accomplished doing that. And here’s Dirtron making the BubbleGum strain accessible for the OG community! Wow!

I’m most curious to see what is all needed to make this happen. Here for the ride. :sunglasses:


I’ve seen before where you mentioned that you were in search of the big league chew grape or was it the original ?
Well I guess my question is what’s the winning bubblegum flavor you’re after? There’s going to be so much variation, my salivary glands are over functioning just thinking of the hunt !



If those were bubblegum beans in there! Open pollination selection :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Sending seeds today


This is truly inspirational @Dirtron, thanks for doing this! :smiley::+1::fire:


Definitely looking forward to this classic


Yet another contestant has arrived at the starting line…

CSI Humboldt Bubblegum S1 courtesy of @Art_Vandelay!

5/6 contestants are present and accounted for! I hear engines getting warmed up and someone is doing burnouts in the parking lot!

Hopefully we see a green flag by the weekend!!!


Well I see @Kakalak just told ya. I was going to say I think he hooks you up with Xtra stuff. If not it’s still worth every penny. I’m very happy with what I got from kak. . I have to think real hard about it before I smoke one, make sure I don’t have anything else to do the rest of the day