Buddertons Tomfoolery

I did some pollinating on Father’s day and made a father out of a pair of half brothers. They have the same mom but a different Father’s. “Engineer your own male” inbred line breeding to hopefully produce a few different batches of seed to pull strong, fairly homozygous males from for future f1 projects. (But I’d wager they’ll make some killer females too!)
I use to write these out by hand to keep track of what I’ve done but here’s a few janky pedigrees for all you weed nerds(of which I’m the biggest!:grin:) that show the foundations and the different paths to get to this point.
A couple are straight inbred StudleySpewright…

This one has a little, male backcross along the way to increase the Sherb A content…

These use Meat Breath S1s to up the meat content…

And of course, had to do a few with different outs, like these…

Ok, that’s it for boring pedigree pics.


Nudge nudge should be legit



A couple of the moms to be, entering their 4th wk of flowering today.
White Apricot Sherbet f1 x Sherb Breath f1 A

Sherb Breath f2 OGKB Dom

Meat Breath S1 via @Wizdom



Love the resin rails mate :v:


For sure @Wizdom ! Even getting out onto the leaf base of the big fans. There’s a couple few like that this run. Definitely inspired me to select them for pollination.
I’ll get some pics and descriptions later on in flower, but I’m seeing 3 phenotype clusters in the group of MB s1s I’m running. Two normal growing types. One group are tight and chunky and holds the flower close to the main stalk while the other group are more open, with elongated petioles and get the flower out from the stalk. And there’s also the OGKB types.


A couple of the TK M10 f2s from @WVMountainGhost are showing crinkle leaf.

Sticking with the TK plus Afghani theme, here’s a black Triangle F2. After searching through my PMs, I’m still unable to identify who sent them to me. I think it was @TopShelfTrees1 . They came in a centrifuge vial with a machine printed logo. Would have been from Canada.
If I’m mistaken and another member sent them, please correct me. If it was you TopShelfTrees1, please confirm when you get back online so I can give you proper credit and thanks.

My pride and joy, here’s The Don (AKA White Apricot Sherbet f3) . These where selected towards menthol/Vics Vapor Rub and face melt.

And a cut of Baboon Wine x NYC Chem that I kept to make f2s with.



Very nice! Can’t wait to see what you find, especially in the Black Triangles.


It’s interesting to see what comes out in the F2. I really think there will be some nice plants in the F2. I hope you prove me right lol. Here’s a shot of mom for future comparison. Keep in mind I had to chop the top off because it grew into the light and got fried while I was away. There are some flower pics on my thread.


Bringing the meat.
Two different phenotypes of Carls Meat. Just cresting wk4 of flower

MYC (Meat Breath f1 OGKB mutant x NYC Chem)

A good percentage of the Meat Breath S1s have trich rails going on the big fans.



These Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze x Malawi Gold are still growing but getting closer to the finish line. I think we’re at around wk16 on these and it looks like another 2 weeks or so to go.

I pollinated these with Affie 11 f2 pollen early in flower and harvested the seed about 4 wks ago, that’s how long these things have been hanging around in my flower room. If pollen drift wasn’t a thing, I’m sure you could get two seed crops in on one flower run!
Coming soon to a wiki giveaway …

It was a small pollination so these are limited to under 20 flips of each but if you’d like to be guarantee a pack of each plus a couple other surprises, I’ll be accepting donations for postage for a limited time. I only aim to generate enough $ to fund these giveaways and will stop the “seeds for stamps” once I reach that. If you’d like to help get these seeds out to Overgrow and also secure a flips of each, plus surprises , reach out in PM and we’ll get things going. Thanks for your interest.


Very nice looking plants ! That look of flowering just sceams look at me ! Very nice work !


Laterals are making a move on my MMXNHXMG.


Can you put a lighter next to it for size comparison?


It’s 10’ tall , last checked.



Holy sheep shit @Hashpants ! What kind of Russian, out the back of the truck, steroids are you feeding that thing?! That’s awesome how the sides are catching up to the top. With almost 3 months of veg time left, i wonder just how big that thing will get!


I gave it one light feed of Masterblend and Epsom. The feed is probably what kicked the laterals into overdrive. That area is Really good.:laughing:


That’s awesome.
I wish I had a long enough growing season to run a plant like that.


Goodmornig my friend this is my glitter trycle these buds look different to me is this a male ? It looks to have pollen sacks ?

Looking forward to hearing from you cheers !


Yep, you’ve got a male @Thetravler .