Budlets - What to do with a baby in flower?


Sad news folks. This little girl is not liking her new environment. I have a hard time keeping the humidity up this time of year. It can be either in the 20% range (if I leave the humidifier off) or in the 70% to 90% range (with the humdifier on its lowest setting).

I added the evaporative humidifer (towel over a bucket of water), which helps a little. That brings the humidity up to around 35%. But little Budlet is not happy.

The catnip doesn’t seem to mind. It’s doing fine! But this weed has seen better days.
I attribute the crispy leaves to the lack of humidity. It may also be suffering from too much light. I turned off the blurple strip lights, since those are ~really~ intended for flowers in bloom.

I’ll keep on nursing her for a while longer to see if she can pull out of this decline. But the prospects are not looking good.

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