Info needed on FEEDING clones + seedlings

I have a few clones revegging that are eatting themselves. Also a few seedlings that just sprouted that are very healthy.

Whats my best bet to green up these tiny reveg clones? Worm casting, kelp meal, insect frass top dress or low strength nutes? (Only thing i know of is liquid nutes im trying to go all organic amendments but there is definitely a learning curve)

Also how soon do you guys start feeding your seedlings? What and how much of “what” do you feed clones and seedlngs?

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how are the clones eating themselves? as its partially expected with clones till they throw new growth and leaves, and seedlings should be fed from the get go more or less, as soon as they have roots and are working on their first set of leaves and have used the energy stores in their cotyledons then they need it from your medium … as for what can’t tell you organically wise, other than its all the same elements in the end when brought into the plant

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the one with the yellow stem is dead, and other dont look like they they may make it.

So in the future, idealy take cuttings that still in that early veg or transition to flower stage as it makes it easier, also clipping the fan leaves tips helps as they will work on throwing out new roots more so rather than trying to use those leaves to grow.


I agree with the above.

Your odds are low.

I’d feed them at half strength of whatever and then leave them alone. It’s a waiting game now but keep your expectations realistic.


Dang! Another member on here told me i could take cuttings and reveg them, i was thinking veg only for cuts.

I really need to save at least one guys. I got them to root in the plugs no problem but planting in used soil is and havnt fed anything at all. Now im seeing they look wrecked.
In the future if i take a cut during flower what are some crucial steps i need to take to ensure the fucker makes it back to the other side lol

To make matters worse I definitely have kept them on the wet side. I always feel the need to water my plants lol

revegging is hard on a plant to begin with revegging and trying to make it a clone even harder as it needs to grow roots and is still in flower mode.

suggestion would be to take a look if they are any roots, dig into the side or flip the cups over popping the whole soil ball out then just pinch it to likely make all the soil fall away. IF you got nubs or little roots replant in a soil that moist but not damp. and just leave it for awhile as the only way water is gonna be lost is through evaporation.

Now the better question, happen to have a pic of the lower section of your flowering plant, if you really want to keep it going, reveg that keeping a bunch of the lowers on it around after chop, with a root ball trim back and veg cycle it will pop back.


You can accomplish this but these look like they were taken much too far into flower to have high success in my opinion. You might be safe if the first couple of weeks but the odds aren’t in your favor the further you get into flower.

Out of curiosity how far in were you when you took the cuts?


Off top of my head no real clue. Maybe 30ish days
Ill have to check some notes and report back

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Im not understanding. Why take it out of its soil and put it in more soil? Are we talking about taking it out of the depleted used soil and putting it in some new soil? Not trying to sound like a dick just a few questions that come to mind so i can better understand what youre explaining.
I did get the cut to throw roots out of the plug it was in, it then went into the soil so i would assume the roots kept growing. I could definitely flip it and see whats going on inside

These pretty much were the lowers. I can snap a pic later to show whats left.

one to check on it two encase your soil is water logged and or say too dense where anaerobic conditions are present


Good point. I have been bottom feeding them in a tray so they definitely have be on the wet side since i planted them.

Did u kill the plant these came from ? Much easier to reveg a big plant then cuts, I’ve done it with cuts (literally just did) but it takes forever and ideally they are in a cube or plug etc so u can monitor everything and feed accordingly


I planted these into used soil soon as i seen roots pop out the plug. I will update you guys on how long ago exactly that was. The one clone that has the most new growth i thought would make it. Ignorance is bliss lol. I still have the mom plant in flower finishing up. I guess i could chop the main stem and leave anything below the bottom 1/4 of main stem when i harvest to reveg? I really want this plant to live on it means a lot to me and my gpop

never knew that. interesting.

i have been pulling/cutting lower fans and only leaving top 2 internode fans (intact/unclipped) when i take cuttings. (for example, if i take a cutting that has 6 internodes, i strip the lower 4 internodes and leave the top 2 intact) logic was the same it would force the plant to concentrate on rooting as opposed to relying on leaves (as there are few left).

i was curious why i saw some people clipping the tips off the fans. now i know.


Yes, definitely try that as well, I take it out of the pot, trim and/or fluff up the roots nice, throw in some mykos and some light Veg nutes and rhizotonic or kelp additive and just litfa, it works trust me and set it off to the side of a light not direct.

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this stuff REALLY helps.


What if i dont fluff or cutt the roots? What if i leave it in the pot its in and just flip light to 24 hrs with a few lowers left on the bottom 1/4 of the main stem?

I’m sure it’ll still work fine, may just take longer, that’s just my methods for maximum efficacy

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