Plant with no growing nodes

I have a plant that I attempted to clone before blooming, but the top and the only other node shriveled and molded. So it’s just a stem and a couple leaves. Now same issue, with the original plant. I just harvested, chopped the bud bearing branches and left the stalk and Fan leaves. It was harvested on the early side and it’s all still very healthy and green. Problem is, no growth nodes :man_facepalming: I lollipop and removed sucker branches, and I took all the bud :man_facepalming::man_facepalming: Any point in trying to reveg this? It was a beautiful plant and it was “ready” at 6-7 weeks, with all trichromes cloudy and a speckle of amber at the tops.


Is there anything I can do, short of tissue culture, to make new growth? Her sister isn’t as fast of a finisher, but her clone took.
The clone with no nodes, I let it go this long and it’s still just stagnant with massive roots in the 4” container. I’m going to use it as a base for a mini grafted bonsai, the donor plant(s) are kind stuck in 16oz challenge and showing deficiencies, maybe a graph will take while rooting a cutting won’t.


I think that it can come back, its just really going to depend on how long you want to wait.

The nodes will grow back eventually and you can either take a clone, or just veg out for a mother.


Yea… I looked at those too, but that’s the base of a sucker branch that I had chopped, there were some larf pieces down there too… and I took them as well :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: I had forgotten I had thoughts of revegging it first thing this morning.
This is that same spot



Oh, here’s stumpy clone


They’ll come back. I’ve seen tree stumps come back. And since you only need a good couple cuttings, just toss it in a corner and wait :v::peace_symbol::call_me_hand:


I have some plants im waiting for some new growth from. Sucks. I feel ya there. She reveged and then went back to flower and is now waiting a 2nd reveg.

Will he 3ft by the time it revegs. Patience


As @nefrella said and you just showed those little nubs will grow out in time, just keep the plant happy


Ditto… I’m thinking temperature & humidity fine tuning is the only thing to nudge the waiting game in your favor. LITFA as much as possible though because these are the situations when (er, some of us) get temped to over-do shit & kill a plant. :blush:



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You can always just start over.

I do have plenty of other seeds, just was hoping to save this one since it was so nice lol. It was a bag seed so not a big loss, but it would be nice to have a fast finishing frost plant.

Well time and patience I have, space not so much. I could over do it and chop down to those bottom nodes, and root prune to put in smaller container. But I do have a clone of the sister, or hopefully I made a mistake and reversed the two lol. Well either way, I think the whole 7 weeks that stumpy clone has been behind and busting roots kinda satisfied my curiosity enough, it hasn’t grown a single hit above the soil. But I’ll use it as a base for my grafting attempt!

I’m seeing some growth!


If you can wait for it to fill back it I think it’d be worth it. 6 to 7 week finish time with good looking buds, seems like a keeper to me!

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Nice job dude. One little hiccup and they wont revegg. Good to have mutiple branches left to supplement growth options for your plant when revegging. The one stalk trick doesnt always work, good to see its alive.

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All I did was keep the soil moist and put it under 24hr light. I’m very glad that it did start growing, I just need one good cutting lol. The clone of her sister is doing great, taken a week into bloom and had to reveg and root. I’ve already taken a few cuttings off that one. Now the hope that revegging didn’t stress it to become a hermie.

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On the contrary, I assure you. That’s a myth Hightimes spread.

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Hmm, I’ve read a few accounts of people saying the clones off their revegged plants were hermi when they weren’t the first round. Especially since this plant likely has a hermi as a father.
Oh, I found a place that had banana kush clones, been thinking about making the two hour drive to get some stuff. Do a side by side comparison between my plants and their mother :wink:

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Vegg your plants in 24hrs of light. When you go to revegg it it will not stress it nearly as much. Iam not saying it “cant” happen. Its more of a rare occurrence in my own experience. People throwing their plants in darkness for two days before flowering and then breeding plants using the same method is probably why you see genes that herm when revegging. If you vegg in 18 hours of light you should revegg in 18 hours of light.

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I do veg under 24hr light, always have. Been thinking about doing 24 he for my mothers, clone and seedlings, but switch to 18hr for the plants vegging to go into bloom.

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Same issue wondering if i need to use bap to induce shoots. Nodes fried from reveg. Roots healthy growing for a month.