Buds and Roses Clones

So this is my first time ever ordering clones online. And its kind of crazy this is option now.

I wouldn’t normally do this but I was highly impressed with this business and think it could help someone else out looking for a similar option. But top notch all across the board. Customer service with an issue I had. And most importantly very well packaged healthy clones.

And yes I know this sounds like a paid ad. Wont lie though ill take free clones if they come my way :joy:. But I just wanted to get this out there to the community in case someone is looking for this type of thing.

Shipping was super quick. Only took 48 hours once they handed it to Usps. For how hot its been I would say she looks pretty dandy. Very very well packaged.


What’d you order? I see “SLH” on the tag. Super Lemon Haze?

I don’t mess with clones, but I have been to the actual Buds and Roses dispensary in Studio City a couple times, although the last time was probably eight years ago. Their weed was very overpriced, especially for the quality. And the guy who… runs it? Owns it? I dunno how he’s involved, but I think Kyle Kushman is kind of a douche.

How much did you pay for the clone? Just curious.

Edit: I just looked at their website, looks like they’re all $25, with a couple of exceptions. I didn’t see anything with the initials “SLH,” though.


Kyle Kushman is involved with this place? He does teeter on the edge of overly positive for me :joy:. But seems like an alright dude.

Yeah its Francos Super Lemon Haze. Well hopefully. Looks like it so far lol.

It was 100$ total after shipping. So not terrible I dont mind.


You might be on the wrong site. I should have posted a link right? :joy:


Yeah, with the brick and mortar. Or he was, maybe he’s not now. I dunno if he’s involved with wherever you ordered that cut from.

Oh, sweet. I grew three Franco’s Super Lemon Cheese hybrids two rounds-ago (crossed with an NL5Haze/Sensi Star male) and all three turned out pretty fucking awesome. Coincidentally, I just posted the last smoke report for those a couple minutes ago, after a 5+ month cure. Great weed.

Are you gonna log yours? I’d be interested to see how she turns out.

Haha, maybe. I went directly to the Buds and Roses website, didn’t see any SLH clones there.


You know he’s getting his clones from sun clone. So skip the middleman and just go straight to them. Fwiw


I asked the shop about picking up clones in person. The SLH are under the Clone Purchase Preorder Form tab on the site.

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Yeah, I’m not worried about it haha. If I wanted clones, I’d just drive over there and ask them about it. I mean… “Pre-order”? That sounds like a situation ripe for losing money or getting sub-par cuts.

Im mainly focused on using her for a breeding project with Sour Bubble.

Ive always wanted to combine the candy lemon with the robust kushyness of SB.

But I’ll definitely be reporting on how the SLH turns out.


I saw that somewhere. Half the price same exact clone list. Just didnt know if they were legit.

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I don’t know about the legit part but that’s where those clones come from.

Yeah half the price. Ill try them next time.

I know fuck all about these new elites now a days.

What’s actually good? Any crazy flavor/terps?

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“Elite” is a word that’s thrown around a little too loosely these days, the same way everybody throws around the word “genius.” Or “literally.”


True, there are good phenos out there to be had but you can find just as good or better in seed too. It’s all in the strain that you want. I would research as much as possible before making any clone purchases. HLVD can ruin your entire grow.


Well I literally am genius to be fair.


Yes seems like elite is a little more loose. Was loose even back then.

What are the true elites now a days though. Mainly wanting to chuck with a few to see if anything crazy pops out. Using my Sour Bubble male. Not just a feminized chuck lol.

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I honestly don’t know. All’s I do is plant seeds from breeders whose judgement I trust, crosses that sound interesting and promising. I do not give a shit at all about whatever’s blowing up.

Clones are totally boring to me. I mean, I’ve never, ever grown a clone from somebody else’s selection, so maybe some of them are good. It just seems boring to me. The fun (to me) is popping seeds and seeing what happens. I haven’t been let down yet.

For the most part… haha.

Yeah, that’s one of the many reasons why I don’t fuck with cuts. HpLVD, spider mites, root aphids, PM… No, thanks.

Sounds like a plan. Log it! haha. I’ll follow along.


I enjoy searching through seeds more than anything as well. Especially ones I make myself. Thats where the real fun is.

Using proven elites that fit my preferences help make that a lot easier overall.

Its already hard enough testing and searching for proven males. Using an elite cuts out half the work.

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Except that all of the shit that people are calling “elite” these days are straight garbage.

I don’t fuck with clones and I also haven’t made my own seeds (yet), but whenever I do get around to doing that, I’m not using anything but my own selections. Not interested at all in the things people are calling “elite” these days.

Anyway, yeah. I gotta go to bed. Looking forward to seeing how your stuff turns out.

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Thats why im asking :joy:. To sort through the BS!

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I can’t help you! haha. I really, honestly do not know what everybody’s oohing and ahhing over these days. From what I can tell, it’s the same as it’s always been: shit that looks good, finishes quickly and yields well. It’s been my experience that that kind of stuff smokes like shit, so…

Next run I’m gonna be planting a Malawi Gold hybrid (along with a lot of other stuff), if that helps haha!