Bug ID please sort of looks like a beetle moth? LoL

So I picked up one of my plants and this flew out of the bottom hole of a container. I then noticed a few sitting on my plants. My plants just recovered from probably 2 issues Broadmites and Fungus gnats. They now look perfect but I have no clue what this new bug is and whether it is harmless or not. Always something new. Never seen this one in 25 years of growing.


You down here in FL? Looks like a moth, just a quick search I found white shouldered house moth.
Had those fuckers all over with my bird! They love birdseed and peanuts 100%.




Four-spotted Yellowneck Moth


I was gonna say those curling leaves can be a sign of bugs but if you’ve been dealing with broad mites then that makes sense.

I’m fighting a mite battle right now.

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That’s definitely it why are these weirdos all in my plants? Going to start googling. Thx alot.

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I swear growing can often be humbling. I can’t even find a pesticide or beneficial that says it kills these or any articles for control. Extremely gracious for the quick ID since these are serious pests it seems that bore into the plants to lay larvae. I usually live in these types of forums and have never heard or seen this one.

Does anyone have ideas for treatment? I am tempted to do a systemic if necessary and just call off flowering and take clones to restart. The majority of this is seeds being made and not for consumption so I just want everything nuked at this point I feel, but also dont want to over react. My plants went from awful from day 1 to totally perfect again and I don’t want to over react either. These things are plentiful it seems at this point. I think they do root damage as well.

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There are pheromone baited sticky traps for moths. Not sure if those would be attractive to this particular moth.

For instance:

Similar traps can be found elsewhere that are less expensive. These are for control but we did eliminate a panty moth problem we had.

It sounds as though these moths like leaf litter and wood debris, fyi.


I’ve been alternating Monterey Garden Insect Spray(spinosad) and wettable sulfur. Only a couple applications so far but I think the plants are really recovering. No idea if it works for moths.

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This may help trap moths.

It’s hell on panty moths too, @Northern_Loki .
