ID and guidance?

Got something going on in the seedling cabinet…

Last year I had what I think is identical white specks on leaf surface that led to small brown long cylindrical bugs I believe were thrips. Dr Zymes and eventually ladybugs took care of the problem. Seeing issues again…

However I’m not seeing any bugs yet. I am seeing perfectly round what appears to be eggs on leaf underside through small microscope for checking trichs. The occasional black excrement also.

I’d be appreciative if someone could I’d and lead me down the path to eliminating them. I grow in detached garage, with a small garden 30’ away. I’m pretty insulated running ac but nowhere near a great situation.

I’m rambling…

On the sticky trap, fungus gnats and an unknown.

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Are you growing in soil?
Could they be coming in from that?


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Looks similar to spidermite marks, the eggs underneath the leaves sound like potential spidermites too

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Exactly… Roots Organic that gave me the same issue last year… with each run/purchase of soil.

I was good till recent, tried another soil… that I was having issues with slow growth. Only to come back to Roots Organic about 30 days ago.

So yes, I believe that’s my source but didn’t want to bash online if ya feel me. ID and guidance forward would be cool…

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Tried a few pics from my phone but my old eyes aren’t cooperating. Best pics I’m capable of.

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I think the “unkown” is thrips:


you cannot see spider mites turds and those spots have irregular patterns, like the thrips scratches, better to deal with them than with mites :sweat_smile:, there are many remedies and you can get rid of them … beer3|nullxnull


this looks like spider mite damage for sure. Thrips chew long winding paths into the leaf whereas these are singular spots. Soil is really hard to clean of spider mites, if you have them you will most likely need to clone out of them… take clones and burn the infected mother plants.


hmm… to me the bug on the trap looks like a moth. Thrips are attracted to blue versus yellow.

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Yea hard to say, it’s the round eggs and spotty damage that reminds me of mites, they puncture each individual cell and suck it dry. Either way those suckers gotta go!


yup. I see mites



About to mix up some fresh Dr Zymes and hit them at lights out in am.


luckily just two-spotted mites and not russets

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Could be a colourblind thrip :grin:, guess you’re right … beer3|nullxnull


it’s not a clear pic but I know mites when I see them


After cloning and spraying, clean the absolute crap out of the veg room and surrounding area too. Bleach, steamer works great to get in the cracks.
If it is spider mites they’ll lay dormant and come out of the cracks when the environment is to their liking. Keep air movement and temps in check to keep them at bay a bit too. They’re little jerks.


Second thought I’m about to bin them… 4 Double Krush from Lucky Dog, I have 4 more vegging 15’ away in one of two tents. Blackout curtain draped across front at lights out.

Let’s hope they haven’t made it over…

EDIT: And spray both tents with Zymes at lights out.

Much appreciative guys!


I would ditch that bag of roots organic since it sounds like it may have been the source of these, or heat sterilize it :grimacing: You can use beneficials and IPM strategies to keep them in check but eradication is a whole nother story. Beneficials tend to keep a small population alive so they have food to eat because they understand if they eat all the mites they won’t have any food. There is a complex ecosystem attempting to maintain its existence here.


Only bought what I needed as I’m researching a new medium.

The other 4 DK are in Roots also in autopots, I’ll check them good.


Your trap is catching mosquitos and like herojuana.tom said a moth. Screen your garage ventilation and entrance if you can. Trap may be a hail Mary that ices bugs that may actually help you or just be innocent by standers.
Wash it up see what happens.
Test your soil. Strong plants deal with bugs them self’s.
The weak get picked on.

**Aphids are tiny oval-shaped insects that can be of any color.
They are usually found sticking to stems and undersides of leaves as colonies.

Thrips, on the other hand, are more slender-shaped winged insects and are typically yellow or black-colored. Aphids feed on the plant’s sap by sticking their needle-like mouthpart into the stems or leaves.**

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I took another close look this am, the 3 plants that did not get roots washed and transplanted to Roots Organic were the ones with white specks. A single plant in Roots shows no symptoms… but I’m betting that changes. I’m guessing the newer medium I had problems with seedling growth may have actually been the source this round… who really knows at this point.

I kept the single plant and hit it with Dr Zymes at 1oz per 32 ounce sprayed liberally on branching and under leaf.

I’m gonna order 1500 ladybugs as that was key last season in eliminating any sightings.

Tents, and 3 auto’s on a rack look ok… but I’ll probably spray them as well before any flowering.

The room is a 20x12 detached garage… shed. Insulated with addition of ac last summer. I do have an entry door that needs to be replaced to eliminate gaps around it.