Bug id please

Both termites and ants can damage marijuana, kill them all and let the god of each sort them out…,


They have a curious relationship, I panic whenever I see ants crawling in my plants or trees… :see_no_evil:

Farming Aphids – Herder Ants A.K.A. Farmer Ants - Hearts Pest Management.

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Nice read.

As a child I had ant farms at various points in my life, industrious mofos. Milking aphids though…next level lol.

I had a pest problem prior to the ants but I’m pretty sure I beat them with Johnny 's dead bug. It does give me another reason to stay vigilant.

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Winged termite. They come out this time.ofnyear where im at. Your fine.

When you get white flies or spider mites put everything outside if u can. Nature will regulate the unwanted. If u can’t. The sooner you scupper the grow sooner you can restart.

OK guys. What do you think this is and will it kill my plants?

Winged carpenter ants, possibly.