Bug id please

Winged but not much of flyers. I have found them always crawling. They are bigger then gnats I have seen here in the past. Past gnats were small slowish moving flyers. These guys are walking and rarely in flight.

To me it looks like a winged ant but I have found a few around the ladies.

Let me know if more info is needed to help me figure out what I got. Thanks

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looks like a termite to me. they have a reddish tint to them. reverse image search of just the insect says this:

i’d say lasius based on that image search and the picture closest to it.



We have had quite a bit of rain locally recently which I have read can trigger flying termite swarms.

Thanks for the .02 :+1:

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you’re welcome, although i think lasius is an ant and not a termite. i don’t know much about ants. if you isolate just the ant on the picture i did and reverse image search it has some info on it. i read a little bit but only enough to see which one it should be. good luck with it.

Notice the antenna(crooked or straight) and size of waist (thin or thick) this will tell you which you have:


Right and when I look at the picture I believe I see 2 body sections not 3.

Maybe it’s my eyes but I am leaning termite over ant.

look at the picture i have in the image search. the head, the midsection, and the thorax or end section. it’s just hard to see that the head is separate on the angle of the picture.

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I think it looks more like the ant, its waist is narrow and antennae seems bent, unlike the straight antennae on the termite


Their antennae are the most telling feature in the pics you posted. The thorax and head section are not so easily distinguished unless you have a macro shot.

If you could get a macro shot of the wings spread out a bit, easier if you kill one.

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My eyes aren’t the greatest, I am only seeing two sections. I do see the bent antennae. I am going to grab one and throw them under the loop to lend a hand.

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did i get the thorax wrong? i thought it was the end. my bad.

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Thorax is the chest basically.


Check out the winged carpenter ant, they look similar (at least to me)


ok, most important question left then, do ants or termites harm pot?

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I don’t believe ants to go after cannabis.
They usually only attack it if there are aphids.or other insects secreting their juices/honeydew like sap

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I stuck 2 to a piece of tape and put my phone up to the lens but yes, I can see 3 sections and the bent antennae.

Calling this a winged ant. Thank you guys for your help.


based on what @Illicitmango said then i would look very, very closely for aphids or the reason the ants came in the first place. just in case.

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Agreed. I see nothing yet. I did have thrips last grow but so far they appear eradicated. Not sure if left over juices or there corpse’s might attract them.

That one is probably no big deal. But, regular ants will “farm” the aphids. They secrete the sweet nectar(or whatever it is) that attracts the aphids. Then the ants feed off of the young larvae I believe.

And, yes, termites will get in the dirt and destroy the roots. Just ask @Tlander, in Thailand. They survive only in the warmer climates and lower elevations. I’m in southern Colorado and at 6400ft elevation and we don’t have them here.


This is a male alate (ant),no worries about aphids or anything…they’re having a nupital flight

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