Has anyone dealt with Mosquitoes?

Every time I go into my room I see a new Mosquitoe. I kill it. And then when I come back I see another new one.

Thinking of getting one of those UV light Bug Zappers. But is there anything else I can do. Plants seem fine at this point, no other discernible creatures lurking about. Just these darn mosquitoes! (they have that long needle nose!.. definitely mosquitoes!)



Where approximately do you live? What’s your yard like? Standing water?

They nest in/under plants during the day. There are pesticides for that specific purpose.


Ya they breed in standing water so look around for that. Even something like an old bucket with some at the bottom or a puddle could be enough.


I have hempy cups with water trays :upside_down_face:

…guess I’ll have to empty more often and water more often.

P.s. I’m in the dead of winter outside … everything is ice.

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Quite solvable, @DannyTerpintine!!! You can use Camphor Oil (couple drops on a Cotton Ball(s), place one on the surface of your grow media; Basil, same; Peppermint, same; Garlic - crush a few Cloves, add water to a pot, boil cloves, let water cool, fill Spray Bottle, spray soil around plants, as well as surrounding areas; Mosquito Trap - Get a Plastic Bottle, cut in half, boil water with Brown Sugar, after cool, pour in LOWER HALF of Bottle, insert UPPER HALF funnel down into the BOTTOM HALF, Duck Tape/Gorilla Tape around Bottle…Trap completed. FYI: I’ve been dealing with Essential Oils and Carrier Oils for 20+ years, try to keep everything naturally-inspired, if possible. Try it, easy fix!!! Do take special care, stay EXTRA safe (tough Winter for everything!!) and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:


if your a good shot you could use the a salt rifle lol j/k


Get a product with bti, its in mosquito dunks or gnattrol. Be careful it will drop your ph


I talked to a guy a few years ago that used his to kill bee’s. We have these big ass bee’s that burrow into any unfinished wood. They hover around a lot in the summer. They are territorial, not aggressive except with each other. They have dog fights in the air. It would be pretty easy to shoot more than one at a time.


OK, so it’s winter and they’re in the house still.

Are there visible mosquito larvae in your standing runoff water?

They’re easy to spot, little wrigglers near top of water.


Microbe-Lift® Biological Mosquito Control

3-4 drops per gallon of water. Kills larvae in growing media


Nothing - water seems to be clear in all trays.

I’ve set up a bottle trap.

I know dunks work, but to my understanding not the best thing to use on your medicine?

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It’s a natural soil bacteria, it’s fine to use. Traps bottle traps won’t really work for mosquitoes… there needs to be something to lure them in. Mosquitoes actually drink sap fro plants, just the female needs a meal of blood for protein to produce eggs.


If they aren’t breeding inside, they’ll be dead soon either way. BT (dunks) only work in water. Applying a broad spectrum pesticide is simply more work than it’ll be worth. A few make it inside before winter and soon die off, same as a lot of bugs. I get a bunch of spiders, crickets, cave crickets, and a few earwigs in early winter in my basement.

How many mosquitoes we talking about? Debate about what’s appropriate for “medicine” aside, they aren’t breeding in/on your plants; moot point.