Bugs getting stuck on outdoor plants

So, been trimming for that last couple of weeks. I have been finding bugs on some of my leaves and outer buds. The bugs seem to have gotten stuck in/on the trichomes and then starved to death, I am assuming. Has anyone else seen this?

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here is a pic the brown thing on the furthest right leaflet on the bottom of it.


Looks like a cockroach? Could also be a sharpshooter, just dead. My older eyes are getting worse. Lot of bugs crawl out of their shell as part of their transformation. Are they all dead? Is the body hollow or is there still squishy material? Just on leaves not in the buds? Better than mold but still lame. Good luck.

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It happens whenever you have bugs. Cannabis is a dangerous meal for insects during flower.


I have found some live spiders, and one larvae which was pretty interesting because the back half of the larvae was worm/maggot like as where the front half looked like the bug in the picture. I didn’t take a picture of the larvae. All the dead ones I have come across have been extremely dry and brittle it is possible they could be hollow as most of the bugs are about the size of pen tip or smaller, so just hard for me to tell. Also as far as in the buds the one larvae I found was in a bud so tossed that bud, but everything else has been on leaves.

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my Good friend swears that he eats the caterpillars of his plants. He swears they give him a buzz. I’m not sure about all that, but either way I’d clean em off and fire it up. Not sure about eating cannabis bugs. If you get a hair, maybe google it? Looks good otherwise. Cheers.


Eating caterpillars and getting a buzz? I wonder if they are toxic

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Many birds and spiders will not eat them. That’s sign enough for me.