BUILD A SOIL Build A Soil feedback thread

I can toss a brand new growers opinion in the hat for what it’s worth with my experience (none, my first grow) noted.

I went to a local grow shop with what was originally a bag seed that I had put in Coco with some vermiculite that was already around (mushrooms) and at field capacity. Anywho — the grow shop steered me to a bag of BuildASoil Light. It seemed to do well. Although I take any video and information with a grain of salt and try to do my homework, it seems like they were doing a lot of marketing but also cared about their product.

I don’t think you can really count it as a side by side grow — as they’re all from different seeds — but I am using mixes of BaS Light and 3.0 alongside some Mother Earth Groundswell here ( Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4 - #164 by Coffweed ).

I also have several of their amendments.

As I’m super new, I’m not yet loyal to anything really. Still trying to take in information and learn what’s best. I’m sure there are a lot of different opinions on things, certainly including this topic. I certainly don’t have the answer — but I also wonder if there really is one answer?

Anywho, staying tuned for others thoughts and opinions. Don’t know if this added value to the pile but so far I’m happy with BaS, even at a bit higher price point. It also seems to be re-usable to a point. Anywho, learning!
