Bundles Of Joy - Grow log 2024 with tresbundles

Sour doesn’t like heat. I wouldn’t even flower it if it was close to warm weather. It just muted the smell and taste and made it wispy :disappointed:.
I keep saying cold temperatures in the sour thread. I don’t think people realize how much of a difference it makes

Just run the sour in the winter!!!


Exactly! I’ve only seen it once, and totally anecdotal over here, but I believe this whole heartedly!


Complete waste of time in warm conditions. I’d run her fall winter and something like glue in spring summer. Glue hates cold :rofl::rofl:

One of the guys I worked for could run all year, but his rooms never went over 72 lights on


Fuuuuuck! LOL! I’m going to have a shitload of subpar sour here in a month or so! :rofl: :joy: :grimacing: Not a horrible problem to have, but not gonna do that again!


I was running hps so it migh not be as bad for you. I think your winter stuff will be better


Nice reports - just finished up Tahoe here looking forward to testing it out. Definitely an easy grower and doesn’t seem to be a pure OG by any means… growing it next to TK it’s pretty different in structure. Wedding cake sounds really nice too, might have to try that one out sometime… seems like anyone who tries it likes it a lot.

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How’s everything looking?


@Emeraldgreen Well… Good and bad I suppose :joy:
It’s day 53 in my flower tent and I am seeing some spider mite damage. I must have missed some plant material somewhere or brought them in from my outdoor garden. I seem to have this problem every summer. I was out in the garden and found mites on a couple plants out there, so probably did come from there. I hate these little bastards.
I’ve separated moms and veg plants, thankfully they’re not completely infested, but will be quarantined to the bathroom and bedroom.

I think I’m just going to chop the flower tent and deep clean that shit. I don’t even want to go in there, so f#cking disappointed in myself for not being more careful.

I’ve got way too many cuts to take care of properly. I can thoroughly inspect and care for about 6 or so separate plants, I suppose - if I’m being realistic. I have at least 12 without counting. I have 3 that I’m definitely keeping. My Logcake #11 and two Wedding Cake x Bobo7 that are irreplaceable. That leaves 3 spots for other’s cuts.
I’ve got some figuring to do, lol! Trying to keep moms is a royal pain in the ass!

I’m thinking about running just seed for a bit. I’ve got some interesting stuff that I can’t really get to with all the room being taken up by these moms.

In other news: the one Rainbird that’s outdoor from the seeds you sent me is a girl and popping pistils pretty darn early. I think I might have only one male out there this year-possibly the OGer.


Early plant to beat the rain is how it’s described

Overflow from the tent :rofl::rofl::flushed:

Have 10-12 different strains we’re running outside to see how they fit into our system. I get the takes up a lot of room


@tresbundles whats all the other cuts you have im also dealing with mites again from the new batch of clones i brought in from my buddy whose housing my mom. but there small enough to dunk and treat. have you thought about doing that make new moms and treat them so its easier.

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:+1: yeah, man, that’s basically what I do when I get an infestation. It’s way easier to treat a small cut or two than a whole mama.
my cuts:
WC x B7 #1 and 2
LemonCherry Gelato x Florida Strawberries
buddy cuts:
Apple Fritter
Wedding Cake
AJ Sour D
Mystery Sour D
Ice Cream Cake
Cap Junky
Fire as Fuck
waaay too many for my comfort lol! :rofl:


You can fit a couple more :grin:


I’m always impressed by the collections of cuts people have these days. Wild/cool stuff. Definitely have to keep myself limited to 3-4 when I setup a veg/mother tent or else I’ll end up collecting them like baseball cards or something. Haha


thats nough cuts for a production facility lmao. tough to toss such high end stuff tho lol

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@204medismoke You’re not kidding, bud! :rofl:
I should at least make some seeds from some of them before I do, but I don’t have very much confidence that I can wipe these jerks out enough to get a seed run. Hmmm, maybe I can figure something small out :thinking:


thats alot of work to do while dealing with the bastards. but only good thing would be you dont have to worry about smoking the buds after so webs and bug shit dont matter. lol. either way you will need to get rid of them eventually prob better to just focus on yourself and get them gone

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@tresbundles you have/ want @Jetdro email? If yes dm me

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Okey doke…All mothers have been chopped and small cuts have been dunked and manually scrubbed. I friggin hate bugs! I took two or three cuts of all moms, so if one or two don’t make it…them’s the breaks :man_shrugging: Survival of the fittest!!!

Went out to take pics of the ladies in the yard but got stung by a bee. I said “Fugg This!” Got me right on the elbow, the little jerk. So I have some pics from a couple days ago instead lol! Septoria is not giving up, but not completely ravaging these yet. I really wish I could chop all these trees down in my yard.

Rainbird :bird: looks to be around three weeks into flower while the rest haven’t even started. :arrow_down:

Cap junky is looking pretty nice. All the clones I put out this year have the structure I dig. I really don’t think the seed plants I grow out there get the proper amount of light as the yard is fenced on all sides with tree shadows coming in about 4 pm lately. I notice most of them are fairly skinny and stretch a good amount. I may try topping next year or just run clone plants out there. So many decisions!

Cap Junky :arrow_down:

Wedding Cake :arrow_down:

Tahoe OG :arrow_down: is getting chewed up the worst of the clone plants.

Sour Strawberry :arrow_down:

Skyhigh Octane OG :arrow_down:

Peanut Butter Dream :arrow_down:

Sorry for the shitty old photos! These were from Tuesday I think.
Og’er plant was a boy, so I gave him a spinning back-kick and sent him to heaven!
Thanks for stopping through to my dysfunctional garden!! :rofl:


Been a bit ! Busy as shit ! Fuck that bee heza prick :sweat_smile:

Everything is looking good bro I’m curious to see what that Rain bird does :face_with_monocle:


Hey there bud! Good to see you around! Thank you, the Rainbird is a really cool plant. It’s not going to get as tall as the rest, but she’s at least 2 weeks to a month ahead of the rest flowering. Shit, Rainbird was flowering already when I started sexing all the others :rofl:

In other news: Wedding Cake cut is apparently pretty darn resistant to septoria. I swear, I’m doing this for science! :nerd_face: