Bunny's Mad Misshapes. (CBD with a sprinkling of other adventures)

I’ve never collected pollen but I soon plan to. What I have stored was gifted to me. I’ve been reading up on collection methods for my GDP seed run.

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Most likely I am going to grow out the crossed feminized Dinamed and Cherry Wine seeds (assuming I get some) and then use the reversed pollen of the appropriate plant to pollinate the next generation. The current batch of seeds soaking are from a male Cherry Wine, will have more variation from it I would guess from my readings. But since I have the seeds I might as well do something with them, if only to see what it would be like growing in a small container with soil.


I have some rich black soil which we have around here, mixed 3:1 with sand as garden mix or top soil. I got a yard of it and baked a shit load in my oven to kill off any little critter’s spawn. Don’t want to bring any bugs in the house, don’t care what it does to the microbes. But it is fairly dense, needs to be cut in half with peat moss and other fluffy stuff. I had a bale of it outside but I get I never got to it for a while and there is a whole bunch of those critters I was talking about munching away at it, probably great stuff to grow in by now. But I ain’t bringing it in.

So went out to get some more, almost everywhere is sold out. I have to go to a gardening center out of town for it. In the meanwhile I had some of the Cherry-Dinamed seeds popping (before the ones floating above) and I put it in the soil. Looked OK until I watered it and it compacted. Oh well, see what will happen. Well I learned something. The little tails of the seeds broke the surface rather than pushing up the shell. Needless to say they did not fair too well. But these two did.

Got some starter soil for the big batch. Put them in cups today. We will see if they have better luck with me.

Speaking of.


Sounds like you got some Australian seeds if they are coming up backwards lol.

Only had that happen once, I think it was because I got it upside down when planting it with the tap root up and at not enough depth to do a U turn.

All my soil slowly compacts as the worms break it down in my pots, I just keep adding more perlite or volcanic rocks and peat moss to it every year.

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I think it might have been the depth also, I tried them relatively shallow as I thought they would not fall into the soil that deep. Live and learn. I did another 8 more cups after posting. Found the seeds under muddy water and did not have the heart to throw them out. I did not have any more drink cups but used beer cups. Not an apples to apples comparison how they grow though. I’ll fumble my way through it though.


I don’t throw out seeds that don’t germinate, I just stick another in. Its surprising how many will germinate later on after 3-4 weeks and come up next to the other plant that went in after. I even find them growing a my soil recycling bin :joy:


All but a couple germinated. I accidentally did put two in a cup but I wasn’t going to bother searching for the other one.


@bunny I’m following here, I wanna see how your Cherry Wine crosss turn out. What’s the goal for you? High CBD body stone? To likely destroy pain that someone may be suffering from?

I’m super interested in this…


Sort of a moving target, the short answer in the last paragraph. I had problems with aphids and was reduced to one plant (should not have tried treating all the plants without checking if they would die also). So the original goal was to have seeds so I could keep growing after a period of time of stopping to get rid of them. I tried reversing the plants I had previous to this but might have overdid it and the pollen came out in clumps. I tried pollinating a Dinamed clone with the different pollen (I had two different Dinamed strains and another growers plant), each on its own branch as well as a branch with the Cherry Wine.

I ended up with a few seeds from the non-CW branches and was unsure whether they were from the original pollen or the CW pollen and some of it drifted to the branches. The plant was only a little over a foot tall so it could have. If the seeds were from the original pollen I might have some seeds that were with the same genetic profile as the Dinamed, close to if it was from the Dinamed+ pollen, a cross between the Dinamed feminized plant and the other breeder’s feminized plant, both who are suppose to be a high CBD to THC ratio plant. So there might be a better chance of them giving a higher probability of a no buzz effect. But I won’t know until growing the seeds out.

The CW is a F2 so crossed with the Dinamed I might see a larger variation in THC to CBD ratios. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as I get some that do give relief without altering reality. The Dinamed has a nice aroma, the CW not much. It would be nice to get the aroma with the CW growth in one plant. Also it is a learning experience, I may find something interesting, maybe not. Since pollinating the plant I reversed the current Dinamed and the CW and pollinated themselves as well as each other. So theoretically those seeds should have traits closer to the original plants. So my little experiment with the batch of seeds might just be a waste of effort if the feminized versions may be better.

So it is more a learning experience. I got all these seeds, not like I will be concerned of wasting a bunch. Might even end up finding something interesting. I have also had a few people say they were sending me some high CBD seeds. More than likely they will be better than anything I can come up with being established seeds. But the generous offer of the seeds came after I started on these (Labrat did offer me some of his when they are ready). He really got this whole ball rolling. I messaged him asking where he bought some seeds and we started swapping information and he offered to send me some seeds. He suggested I join here and after hearing of my medical troubles I had a couple of people offer to send me some seeds. A lot of generous people with good hearts. None of which would have happened if I did not have a spur of the moment impulse to contact Labrat.

That was the long answer, the short one (now), curiosity and a learning experience on breeding. If I win the genetic lottery I would love to pass along the seeds to others as they have to me. I am pretty sure I will be messing around with whatever CBD plants I have, mixing and matching. Just learning baby steps with this bunch.


I have been vaping mostly. One day it was out of charge (Oh No!) and I think I rolled some 1:1 CBD to THC plant. And I got a little buzzed. Reminded me of weed from way back in the day. Also there are days you load up the vaporizer, do not get to it, and you have to empty it out because you want something a with little more kick. So I thought. it might be nice to have a little one or two toke pipe. So today, rather than doing more important thing, I whittled a piece of Cherry into a pipe like object. While the Cherry looked fine, I thought I could give it a little more visual appeal. So I baked it in the toaster oven for a while. Then I took some sandpaper to it to take the semi-charred exterior layer off. Then I polished it up and gave it a coat of wipe on poly (excuse the dust, it will be coming of for subsequent coats.

I don’t know about you but I kind of like how it turned out. It is about three inches long so just a little handful.


Great job on making that pipe. Turned out really well!


I would use it! It looks very serviceable and not aesthetically unpleasing. Good work.


Thank’s, I think I found a retirement job. Sure takes a lot less time than building a guitar. Which I really have to get back to.


Whatever pays the bills and makes a man happy in the doing of it has always worked for me Sir. :slight_smile:

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Paying bills? Heck, doubt I will ever make my money back for all I put out. Make me happy, that is the important thing. My flower room takes a section of my wood room. Was a little less crowded before I started growing.Roughly about 100 instruments of wood.


Yeah, I remember. :slight_smile: I remember that you have some major skills with wood and I would bet that quality handmade pipes can be fairly pricey. A few extra bucks never hurts either. lol

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Never occurred to me before, there might be something here, maybe for a few here or there. The second coat is looking good on it.


Still needs to be polished, almost impossible to catch the look with the camera. The wood was curly, flamed, a number of other words use to describe the effect. But what it means is the wood fibers are not straight sort of like a ripple chip. And when the light hits where the fibers are broken you get a shimmering light band. Turn the pipe and the different areas pop out.


cool! that looks amazing Bunny. Always interesting to see what cool stuff other people do on the side.

The Cherry Wine looking fine.