BushyOldGrower Memorial “OverGrow the world with love”, BOG

I’m confused at following your logic. If the legacy of BOG seeds was given or sold to SHN then that’s where the largest stock of remaining genuine BOG made and BOG selected seeds are at. Basically treasures of cannabis history. I think it’s distasteful to so casually call them old. Old is relative a relative term. They’re either viable or they’re not. I get that you had a bad experience with germination rates but others here on Overgrow show differing experiences.

For example, this member experienced 100% viability with their Sour Grape from SHN. The thread is recent from August '23 and they even mention the seeds being stored in less than ideal conditions for two years after purchase before germinating them. Still, they got 100% viability:

Also, if I’m not mistaken, the recent Blue Kush co-op that was done when reading the thread it’s said one of the packs that was donated was sourced from SHN. A few comments later show quite high viability.

If two members are showing near perfect germination rates at two separate locations with two different menu items and you on the other hand had underperforming seeds across three different varieties it would seem that your experience is the exception to the rule.

Even still, even if all the seeds were old and underperforming which they don’t show to be, but hypothetically if they were only germinating at 30 percent they would still be part of the last truly BOG made seeds. You said it yourself, these are the seed stocks that were supposed to be used to continue his work. In my opinion they should be treasured.

You’re calling them old that’s fine, they clearly show viability still.

You say they’re supposed to be the stock for Jim Jr. to continue the work with, I think it’s up to Jim Jr. what to do with them and with his life. Either way from your words they’re original BOG work. Who else has original BOG work for sale?

I’m all in favor for making and sharing seeds but I don’t think you have to do so at the expense of a real viable income stream for Jim Jr. and Mrs. BOG. I’m sure it’s not necessarily that easy for Jim Jr. to put his life and emotions on hold to make a fresh stock of Blue Moon Rocks for a handful of cannabis enthusiasts on an online message board. If or when he gets to it that’s awesome and if he never does that’s fine too.

All the surrounding context doesn’t even matter, it’s the only place to still find original BOG work.

This isn’t about SHN or Jim. Jr., it’s about original BOG work.