BushyOldGrower Memorial “OverGrow the world with love”, BOG

Doug ran some beans from the recent release that Bog Jr sent to James (shn) and said they were fine. The beans that Jr sent James are newer stock that bog had saved for Jr to continue his work and help out with any bills they may have had after bog passed. They are legit, just not the stock from before bog lost his mother plants in the fire. Jr is continuing his dad’s work, just don’t know when those will be released. Jr was on the Adam dunn show on new years last year if you want to give a listen to it. I don’t remember the time stamp when he came on though


A word about the BOG breeder of the month on SHN

The seeds went up in price for the mark down, The BOG seeds available are old. The seeds I grew to F2 and am now moving toward F3 came from SHN. The BOG Jr. Sour Grape. The seeds were a partial refund for the Two Different packs of BOG seeds (LSD and Blue Kush) that I purchased earlier in the year that completely failed.

If you read the information about BOG that is posted on SHN you will find this “when he frequented the once-popular website overgrow.com.” :expressionless:

BOG visited OverGrow just days before he passed away to tell a Fellow OG @Papalag Thank you for growing BOG seeds. :sunglasses:

Everyone on OverGrow and worldwide are free to make their own decisions, Overgrow the World with Love. :smiley:


How new should we expect the seeds to be? BOG changed his form back in December 2020. I feel fortunate to have been able to purchase some of his seeds directly in the Fall of 2020 and I would assume those seeds were pulled from the same seed stocks and reserves that he was sending to Seeds Here Now for retail distribution. The seeds at Seeds Here Now may be older in the context of today in 2023 but they’re in my opinion some of the last BOG made and selected seeds available. To me that’s pretty significant.

Unless I’m mistaken, the retail pricing at SHN had already been $108 for a few of BOG’s retail packs so it’s not really that big of a surprise to see the rest of the menu follow suit. Surely a stark difference compared to the 6 packs + 1 freebie pack for $300 that he offered direct when I last ordered. That’s just over $40 per pack. I always prefer to order direct whenever possible but after he passed I definitely ordered more from Seeds Here Now to show my support. I feel this is a unique situation because purchasing packs from Seeds Here Now helps show support for BOG and the BOG’s because I’m assuming they get paid for restocking orders. If the seeds are what I believe them to be, they are the remnants of BOG’s life’s work as it relates to cannabis breeding. It’s not that steep of an asking price if you ask me, but I do believe there to be a massive stock of seeds that BOG made with some varieties probably having more reserves than others. How viable they are may vary. Doesn’t Seeds Here Now offer a total satisfaction guarantee?

To me that’s a great way to take advantage of such legendary seeds, especially if they are older. You mention having two different underperforming BOG packs, the LSD and Blue Kush. Did you only get offered one pack as a replacement? That doesn’t sound like great satisfaction to me. Did they happen to provide a reason why they didn’t replace both underperforming packs?

I’d rather seeds be shared freely. This to me isn’t about the price or the relative nature of wholesale and retail pricing or marketing tactics in a capitalist society. I would rather gift and share and trade freely. That said, those are probably some of the last seeds selected and made by BOG himself over at Seeds Here Now. I mean, if the Sour Grape you’re working subsequent generations of originated from Seeds Here Now they can’t be all that bad can they?

Still think you should have gotten two packs offered as a replacement if you had two underperforming packs.


Without searching does anyone know if BOG had any grow guides, videos, or any tips/tricks for growing? Thanks


BOG made a grow guide titled Bonanza of Green:

I believe Mrs. BOG made two calendars. There is a PDF of his grow guide available online. I’m pretty sure he just wants people to be able to have access to it. We love you BOG you helped and continue to help so many


As @Sbeanonnamellow says… :arrow_heading_up:

If you search a little you will find PDF available for download.
BOG’s Bonanza of Green details of BOG’s perpetual grow process and it is easily scalable. Very much worth the read. :+1:



@Sbeanonnamellow I have no interest in ever receiving or purchasing anything from SHN, my opinion of the company is my own. Their actions did not equal what they said would be done if seeds from them failed. End of story.

BOG Jr gave the seeds to SHN that were meant to be used to restart the full line of BOG Seeds, End of Story.

BOG Rest In Peace my friend, Thank you for the Good Memories of better times.

From Mr. And Mrs. Helios: Happy New Year!


I’m confused at following your logic. If the legacy of BOG seeds was given or sold to SHN then that’s where the largest stock of remaining genuine BOG made and BOG selected seeds are at. Basically treasures of cannabis history. I think it’s distasteful to so casually call them old. Old is relative a relative term. They’re either viable or they’re not. I get that you had a bad experience with germination rates but others here on Overgrow show differing experiences.

For example, this member experienced 100% viability with their Sour Grape from SHN. The thread is recent from August '23 and they even mention the seeds being stored in less than ideal conditions for two years after purchase before germinating them. Still, they got 100% viability:

Also, if I’m not mistaken, the recent Blue Kush co-op that was done when reading the thread it’s said one of the packs that was donated was sourced from SHN. A few comments later show quite high viability.

If two members are showing near perfect germination rates at two separate locations with two different menu items and you on the other hand had underperforming seeds across three different varieties it would seem that your experience is the exception to the rule.

Even still, even if all the seeds were old and underperforming which they don’t show to be, but hypothetically if they were only germinating at 30 percent they would still be part of the last truly BOG made seeds. You said it yourself, these are the seed stocks that were supposed to be used to continue his work. In my opinion they should be treasured.

You’re calling them old that’s fine, they clearly show viability still.

You say they’re supposed to be the stock for Jim Jr. to continue the work with, I think it’s up to Jim Jr. what to do with them and with his life. Either way from your words they’re original BOG work. Who else has original BOG work for sale?

I’m all in favor for making and sharing seeds but I don’t think you have to do so at the expense of a real viable income stream for Jim Jr. and Mrs. BOG. I’m sure it’s not necessarily that easy for Jim Jr. to put his life and emotions on hold to make a fresh stock of Blue Moon Rocks for a handful of cannabis enthusiasts on an online message board. If or when he gets to it that’s awesome and if he never does that’s fine too.

All the surrounding context doesn’t even matter, it’s the only place to still find original BOG work.

This isn’t about SHN or Jim. Jr., it’s about original BOG work.


It should also be mentioned that SHN helped raise a significant amount of funding for the BOG’s by hosting auctions for BOG genetics with the premise of fundraising. From that platform they were able to raise tens of thousands of dollars for the BOG’s after Jim passed.

That’s a pretty righteous move in my opinion.


So what may have happened, and could explain the different experiences here is when bog left us he had seed runs underway, which were completed and batches handed for distribution to shn is 2 shipments 2 months apart.

Once the last fresh drop ran out, Jr shared seeds from his pension fund stash left to him by big bog. What could have happened is one or some of the older batches/lines could have been less than vigorous, some bought them, tried to grow them and contacted shn about it.

Situation must have been corrected or at least looked into and hopefully bettered.

Now if I had dropped 350 on beans and few or none germed and the bank wasn’t all that helpful it would be, imo, enough to say - I prefer not to use this bank…

Also bmr will never disappear.
Thanks to Doug and passionate donors :wink:


I had speculated that in the midst of it all after BOG passed that it would be likely some of the older work might start getting sent in for retail sale. If that’s true, then that prior work in my opinion with the more limited viability would be even more rare and exclusive.

To me it comes down to the fact that these are the remnants of BOG’s life work as it relates to cannabis breeding and someone was casually dismissing them as being old but at the same time it’s the same stock they based their filial work off of.

Breeding, seed politics, branding, personal opinions aside, from a genetic point of view the value in originals and earlier generations to a breeding program is significant. Casually dismissing such valuable genetics tools and resources is a huge disservice to BOG’s work.

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The part that bothers me @Sbeanonnamellow is I cannot trust what’s going on at SHN. The quote on their site says:

Now Jim Bean and Jim Jr. did a podcast during which Jr. stated he had no clones from his dads work, only seeds. He said that the cuts were all lost in the end when his father moved in with him due to health issues. It was about a 2 year period where BOG was selling his house and he and Pat ended up moving in with JR. It always bothered me that Jr. clearly stated he had no clones and only seeds yet on the SHN site, they clearly state he has cuts from his dads work. That contradiction really bothers me. There was a link to the podcast on the SHN site but apparently it’s gone now.

I agree with you about what Jr. does. That’s totally on him and while I assume most want to see him carry on his dads work, that may not be what he wants. He does say in the podcast that he will be continuing his dads work but will be starting with seeds. The garden he and BOG set up in the end was working Jr’s Grape Punch line. So we all just have to wait and see. I also agree that any seeds that were made by BOG himself should be treasured. That is why I have been trying to repro every one of his strains to keep those genetics around. My F2’s are certainly not BOG seeds but they are at least offspring from BOG seeds and the closest I can come to keeping those genetics alive. I just wish they had not made those contradictory statements. The fact that James Bean has put up that Jr. had his dads clones yet in the Interview he himself asked Jr. if there were any clones and Jr. stated there were not and he would be starting from seed just makes me question what can be believed. That’s my only real concern. If anyone is interested, here is a link to the 12 hour Adam Dunn podcast. It’s at 4:09:20 that James Bean asks Jr. about clones and he states he has none and will be starting lines from seeds. He states that’s not necessarily a bad thing and will just require some selection.


It’s an interesting interview that starts at 3:53 in the video. Check it out if you like everyone. It explains the last 2 years of BOG’s life, how they shut down and moved in with Jr. All sorts of nuggets in there. In the end, long live BOG genetics. :v:


Unfortunately unforeseen circumstances spelled disaster for the tent resulting in a complete failure of the grow :frowning:


That’s the winner! Good on ya for posting that.
I’m still working on BOG’s re-potting technique that leaves them raised up.

With a little luck, I hope to have enough room to do a 1/4 BOG perpetual grow (along with all of the other stuff I want to do… :laughing:) this year.



That repotting is turning out to be extremely frustrating haha, I am running just shy of a half bog currently and am really enjoying how intuitive it is when everything is broken down as prescribed in Bonanza of Green, and the stages really make it feel like its a much larger operation haha


This Bog dude sounds like a legend. I really want his sour strawberry seeds its on my to find list.

I would love to buy a Bog shirt for $100 if it was dope to support the family. So if they ever create that I’ll be a customer.


Was thinking of creating a new topic for BOG crosses but this topic seems more fitting.

Here is my attempt on stabilizing BOG Lifesaver x Mephisto Double Grape Auto. Another round of F2’s in search for that full auto cross.