Is it ok to make BOG seeds

Good afternoon OG. So I am having a bit of a moral debate in my head and want your opinions. I have started 2 runs, Sour Bubble and Grape Punch. Since the Grape Punch was recently purchased I figured on making Sour Grape seeds using Sour Bubble pollen. I figured this was the right thing since Grape Punch seemed to be the only seeds for sale from BOG for a long time. Now just before I got started a drop happened and they released more Sour Grape. Now I am conflicted. Is this just a limited drop and will be the end of it or will BOG seeds come rushing back on the market. What if they release some Sour Bubble while I am doing to run? On the other side of the coin what if that limited release was it and there will be no more BOG seeds? I know there are a number of BOG runs going on, do they all shut down if BOG releases more seeds?

Now I have read the threads including the post from Bodhi and it basically says making crosses is cool but not reproducing what is currently on the market. While nobody owns nature as Bodhi said it is just a respect thing. With BOG seeds being so difficult to find since his passing and not knowing the future of the genetics is it ok to continue down this path. Please share your thoughts as this feels like a unique situation.


I don’t see how letting the cultivars he created die out is more respectful of his memory than keeping them alive. I wouldn’t sell them but I don’t think it’s unethical to create them and keep the genetics alive. My 2¢


I agree, the issue is that they just released a bunch of seeds. Does that mean more are coming from BOG Jr. or was it a one time thing. If we knew it was all that was coming I would have no question that it’s fine but we just dont know what’s coming.


I don’t think it matters bud. Be the Robin Hood of beans! Terp_fi3nd is a well known breeder and he encourages people to make seeds from seeds even his own. I tend to agree


Make the seeds, there’s no problem with that as they are all still with you.

It will take some time before your seeds would even be ready for harvesting; and in that time you can then see how things play out with potential releases.

If there steady, you still have yourself a forever crop with gifting possibilities


As long as it’s for the sake of preservation I’d say it’s fair game. You’re not going into business to compete with whatever bog jr. may end up doing. It seems like the intentions are in the right place and I don’t see a problem with it personally.


Hard to say if the new stuff is the same as the old stuff. I’d say reproducing the original BOG seeds is fair game.


If you are making seeds for your own use or to swap, make whatever you want, you bought the seeds so you own them.
If you are making them to sell then it is best to come up with something new by crossing them or whatever.
If there are no new seeds of that type coming from the original breeder/company… then you are in to ‘preservation’ territory and i think it is reasonable to make them and sell them after a bit of a pause - so as to be respectful.
It is always good to askif you can though, usually the answer will be yes anyway…


Maybe make fems ? Keeping best male for later use if needed : )


Well I was kind of hoping folks felt his way. This was definitely all done to preserve the original BOG genetics and not one seed will be sold. All for trading and gifting. Just a strange situation with new drops all of a sudden showing up.


It’s not like you need males to breed at this point; females can carry any gene a male can except sex chromosomes.


I was just thinking of offering something different than what’s being made available kind off , and way down the line after dust settles he could make reg preservation seeds with the kept male if needed : )


That makes sense to an extent and I will preserve some pollen but I think fems kind of defeat the purpose of a preservation. I feel regs are really the best way to preserve the lines. I suppose if BOG production ramps up it could mark the end of these preservation runs but for now we just dont know what’s coming.


Ok well this was just pointed out to me so I feel so much better, here is my answer from the man himself. Thanks for pointing this out @ChronicMcBudz.


I would say as long as they are not sold for $$$ it’s fine to preserve.


For historical context checkout Daytripr69’s Sour Strawberry grow and see BOG’s interactions in that grow log, especially his first.

No Worries Brother!



Thanks @Gpaw , someone just pointed that out to me and I quoted BOGs response so I am pretty happy now. The man himself said it’s cool to F2 his seeds and give them away as long as not sold as BOG seeds. Since none of the seeds I produce will be sold I feel like I now have his blessing which means allot to me. I just didn’t want to be disrespectful but now with BOGs blessing we move on and both runs will continue. Thanks all.


I think once you have the seeds, do what you want to, unless the breeder says otherwise. Just don’t attempt to profit from his name. (I know that’s not your intention @DougDawson )

It’s about having fun and keeping the fire going!


Make seeds, and be open and honest about what it is.

What I wanna do with all my seeds is give 1/3rd away, keep 1/3rd for making even more seeds, keep the rest for safekeeping and future crosses.


Absolutely, seeds will be made. BOG himself said he is fine with making F2’s as long as not sold as BOG seeds so onward we go. To me that made the difference so I have no issues now.