Cacti Seeds for swaps

I have a pretty full draw of cacti seeds that I probably will not get to growing this coming year so thought I would see if anyone would like to try there hand at cacti. Listed below are most of the athletic seeds but I also have alot of other stuff like aloes, haworthia ,lithops, non athletic cacti. Just looking to increase my genetics stash which I zeroed over the summer so will swap for any interesting cannabis seeds.
The seeds with location data are landraces grown over here in Europe from wild collected seed which I can probably provide more specific information on, the assorted seeds are open pollinated species seeds, not hybrids but not necessarily pollinated by region specific partners.

Fissuratus , Big Bend, Tx.
Trigonus , San Antonio, Coah
Retusus , Boca del Refugio
Agavoides , Tula
Kotschoubeyanus , Huizache
Fissuratus assorted
Retusus assorted


Williamsii assorted
Williamsii v. pluricostata assorted
Williamsii f. pentagona assorted
Williamsii v. decipiens
Williamsii , Cuatro Cienegas, Coah

wurstenglut x crassicaulis
strigosus , Va. Union, Argent
litoralis, Los Vilos.


Any alone vera?


Holy biscuits. I have some acacia acuminata and mimosa hostilis seeds. I’d love the fissuratus, any loph or trichs. I have about 50 loph seedlings right now and 20ish asaorted trichs in various stages of growth.


Sadly, I have no idea what your talking about. Lol. I just grew a alone from home depot this summer and use its flesh materials for a assortment of things.

I have a few variegated aloe and a few rarer types but if you need the aloe Vera pulp your better off local rather than me I think.

Do you have something to trade ? , it’s OK if you don’t as I guess the generosity shown on here is rubbing off , just dm me your address and I will get some off to you .

I have various amounts of:

Acacia acuminata
Mimosa hostilis
Salvia recognita
Atropa belladonna
Black henbane
Peganum harmala

All for trade

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Ohh you’ve got some good stuff, I don’t think the first two would have a chance of growing where I am but the bottom four could. Have you tried the henbane? .

Not yet. I got them in a trade, I wanted the peng. and the salvia lol

Salvia always surprises me with its power, everytime I sort of relax and expect mellow but usually it hits me intense and dramatic

I have some seeds I would trade. I know nothing of cacti but would love to learn.

The names you posted…now I know how new cannabis growers feel. What is good?

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Highest for alkaloids would be lophophora williamsii or peyote but they are really very slow growing so are more a hobby than a useable plant, the trichocereus pachanoi or San Pedro cactus is the most useable as it can grow a foot a year when well established and clones readily , the rest are mostly similar to low powered peyote but quicker growing to a small degree . A couple of the ariocarpus contain some unusual alkaloids but are not well explored

I grow Henbane and Belladonna and they’re a lot of fun to grow out and both do very well in colder environments. Belladonna is much easier to grow above the Mason Dixon line in the U.S., for example. The seeds really need that snow for germination. Henbane is easy and fun and great for consumption (beers, tinctures, etc). Belladonna is very difficult to germinate, usually, though. I’ve had batches of Belladonna seeds that took 3-4 months to germinate, with multiple cold stratifications and freeze-thaw cycles. Seeds are so weird.


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