Mephisto beans up for trade

Hey All,

I have an 5 seed unopened pack of Strawbba the Hutt (Strawberry Nuggets x Skywalker) beans from Mephisto that I’m looking to trade.

Would be happy to trade for some ACE - Auto Malawi x NL, a regular Malawi, or something else really heavy on the sativa side.

I’m open to long flowering, does not need to be an auto, but I would love to get my hands on some Malawi, Congo, or a good Haze

If you want to trade, throw me an offer. Never hurts to ask and I’m pretty open minded to interesting opportunities.

Stay Shwheezy friends!


Not an auto but I think I still got some seeds of it laying around, grew it last season


Got some Super Lemon Haze, some Paonia Purple Paralyzer and many others @Ceilingless , Also got some Lemints which are " (Haze x African Haze) x Afritiva (Durban x Malawi x Swazi x Rooibaard) x Haze). Pretty sure I have something that would be good with you, let me know if you wish to work it out.


If you’re in Canada, I can send some Dr Grinspoon cuttings which are supposed to be a 100% sativa variety


U got the thin and whispy grinspoon??? :scream::scream:
I hope u plan to make some beans of it!!!


@highminwin is another sativahead :wink:

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Yes I do, Ill have to make fem seeds cause I only have a cut of it. I’m working on getting that done


i do have some malawi seeds, by way of colorado sativas. on his website it says they’re of ace origin. i’m totally happy to share them.

since it looks like @DougDawson is interested in these mephisto beans, i’m happy to send @Ceilingless the malawi if the mephistos are sent to dougdawson. doug’s been super nice and should have some beans in transit for me, so that seems like a good rotation of the karmic wheel.

i also have a few other colorado sativa seeds i can include. there’s a zamaldelica with some malawi in it, and i’ve got hazes as well. i posted my list in this thread.


that’s awesome to hear! i’ve heard things about that dr grinspoon, so i hope you’re able to work some magic with that cut.


I’m gonna message u…

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@DougDawson - if you’re generally after Mephisto beans let me know. I’ve got a good amount of their catalog line, some special editions, illuminautos, along with some of the freebie crosses. If you’re after anything in particular let me know, you do more than enough for the community, I’d be happy to give back to you.


Wow bud, that was unexpected. That’s amazing, going to have to throw something extra in that envelope I have for you. Thanks, for some reason Strawbba the Hutt (Strawberry Nuggets x Skywalker) just sounded so good to me :slight_smile: You rock.

Always looking to add some good genetics to my stash. Gotta decide on the autos I am going to try to grow outside my cottage this year. Figure to start them the end of the month so I can have an early harvest.


yea no worries! just trying to spread the love.

@Ceilingless drop me your addy in a message and i’ll be sure to get you a nice selection of seeds to pop. malawis, hazes, congos, sativas.


wasn’t expecting such a quick response from so many!

I’m fairly busy tonight, but want to give that list a look and do a little research since There is some stuff offered I wasn’t expecting but I am really intrigued by your offer (and happy to send the beans to @DougDawson ) and the offer from @AzSeaindooin420 for the Malawi x NL

So can I let you guys know tomorrow on what I want to do?

@DonGnosis — I’m in US. Thanks though! Grinspoon is a wicked looking plant!


Whatever works for you :slight_smile: I will be out here with my fingers crossed, lol.


@DougDawson Send me a DM and I can shoot you a list in a Google Sheet privately and you can pick a few autos that you’d like. :slight_smile:

I have a very extensive collection of Meph and other strong autoflower genetics (it’s all I grew for a while) and the lineage for all beans is all called out in the spreadsheet so you know what you’re getting.


If u are trying to get back into photos I can hook ya up with some jack and white rhino off the run I did :slight_smile:


Thanks so much for the kind offer, I have literally too many beans (photo & auto) to plant in my lifetime. I appreciate it but I’m good thank you :black_heart::blush:.


No problem! I feel it, this run for the community was thousands of beans, can’t grow em all by myself so figured I’d offer :slight_smile: autos where I’m lacking and like to throw those in a corner and forget about em cept for watering days then 3 months later it’s like oh hey giiiirl heeeey! Hahah


I hear you there. I got hundreds of strains and thousands of beans but I am lacking in good autos. I really want to get something decent into the ground outside the lake this year. It’s the one big downfall to Ontario weather.