Cactus Seeds!

I have some packs from SS and Misplant.
The hybrids contain:
and several more.

I can look for a specific strain if you’re interested in a particular one, or I can put together a full list of there’s interest.


I’m interested in Peruvian torch cactus! Or some San Pedro.

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Lw ftw. Tho all cacti are fun

Just wanted to say that SS and Misplant have the best seeds. I have an SS02 and love it, one of my most potent cuttings.

I will say for anyone that hasn’t dealt with cactus seeds before, it’s really magical and you can pheno hunt just like with cannabis. But, the patience required is out of this world. I don’t possess it. They grow on a truly geological time scale, but if you have the time and patience, it is very much worth it. They grow quite quickly after the first 18 months or so.


Each of those packs are from a pretty rare or sought after ‘named’ cutting in the broad “san pedro” family. A lot of people use San Pedro to only refer to Trichocereus Pachanoi, but just as many use it to refer to any entheogenic cacti in the trichocereus family. The LER mentioned above would be a Pachanoi. Most of those are Bridgesii or crosses, which are generally the most sought after “san pedro.” I prefer pervian torch, only because they feel a bit more primordial in their experience.

I’d be most interested in the the Lumberjack, SS02, LER and then Bertha in that order if you want to explore the world of trichocereus/san pedro. The SS02 is a little more common, but it is a potent cutting with nice growth characteristics and is visually stunning. It is popular for a reason. Each of those would be a supremely excellent choice to run, though I am less fond of Macrogonus crosses (Bertha), though they are impressive to behold.


Nice! Yeah I wanna check em out!


I would like to trade for some seeds. Is there something in particular you would like for a trade. I’m sure we can work something out.

Would you trade for some killer cannabis seeds?


Never grown cactus, lord knows I have the climate for it. :sun_with_face: :cactus:


Dude gets us all excited and POOF gone. Come back bro. Well I will be chilling waiting for you to get done tripping. I hope all is well and you will find your way back here.

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