Looking for cacti, mid cuts, top cuts

Looking for trichocerus mid cuts or top cuts. Also any related like a penis cacti or anything anyone is up to trade for. I have seeds to offer. If you have something your willing to send me. I would gladly send you plenty of seeds, in which we shall determine which and how many you want. Thank you in advance. I am trying to grow my collection back after losing most of it,. This is my last cacti. I had to take the top from a brevispinulosus and have currently planted it after drying on the sill. Here she is. I had her going for 3 years or so until I overwatered it on accident.


@way4out didn’t you mention you have access to some cactus plants.


Saw this flowering cactus a few days back while riding in the countryside. Growing in the wild.

I really wish I could get you a cutting from that plant…:slightly_smiling_face:


That would be great!

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Bro…I’m based in India. :eyes::v:t3:


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