Calle‘s indoor adventures - Project 1(Freezer) - Soma Amnesia Haze F2

This morning I had a few min left and implemented the third fan… Step by step - haha.


This morning I filled up the pots close to the first leaves like I always do.

Don’t know how often I should post something. I will follow my motivation and will try to keep you updated with any progress or change on the setup.

4 seedlings look really well while 1 is not so happy. I guess in this pot is a higher share of the stronger soil or it’s just because of this Pheno isn’t so hungry. Hope the nutrition burning won’t go further…

What do you guys think is the perfect condition for temps under LED? Day/night


I don’t have an answer to that last question per sé ,
I would like to say that I think this is a really awesome idea…
all the best to you on your grow !


Thank you Bro and welcome :slight_smile:

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Can you see the Trichomes as well ?!



Hey dear guys - weekend is coming soon. Hope you are doing well overall.

This morning I gave every offspring 2 min to get familiar with :wink: let’s get the helicopter started…


BLD Type with trichomes on first leaves and a very first red vessel. Rounded leave tip.

BLD Type with no trichomes and maybe a slight tending to red vessels. Sharp leave tip and a really short structure.


NLD Type, small amounts of resin on crinkled leaves. Longest fingers on stage.

NLD Type with sharp serrations and a 3D looking leave structure


The Nameless
I am hopeful it will turn out as a healthy plant. I transplanted it yesterday and saw a really healthy looking mini root out of the root and carefully I buried it - today it’s nearly breaking the soil surface :slight_smile:

The yelling yellowing one I forgot to portrait :slight_smile:
NG- Type with visible problems!


I bought some regional soil because I am living in a peat region. I am not rating it now but for the bigger pot I need to pimp it a bit with perlite and some CM- Impulsive special ingredients.


Hey dear all lurkers, likers, writers,

It’s a Friday :slight_smile: it’s a nice feeling to have some greens running and grabbing the love of the plants and sharing it back… don’t know how to say but I hope you can feel it xD

ATM I have not the perfect conditions. Door can’t be closed longer then 3-4 hours or I will cook the seedlings. Hope next week will the cheap CF system arrive and then I hopefully can close the door without any Sauna effect. If not I will deep dive a bit more.

Next pots should be max 1 liter I guess. For last potting I plan to use the new bought rose pots. They have 3 liter capacity. For heights control I am planning on a Scrog Construction.

My yesterdays construction store visit way dedicated for some Ms. M stuff but I found this and thought maybe I should mix my soil with it.


After reading some of mates yournals I also ordered few liter of worm castings which I plan to add to my peat soil.

I will decide if I should add some cow or unicorn poop as well :-p depends on how the plants react to the soil in the next days.

from my feelings it’s a rich soil - regional power xD


Checking the limits in the morning…

Little smoother during the day - all more or less happy I would say…

What I scored last days…


Nice microgrow! I like them, being doing that regulary due to lack of space, though not in a fridge :slight_smile: That’s a good idea. Did you see @Not-Notjosh had one too, albeit in a bigger one?

I like how you take notes of each traits since the beginning


Thanks @funkyfunk

The grow is interesting and the source of the setting much more - thanks :pray:

Happy Sunday my brothers and sisters


Same! Looking forward to see what these F2 will show.


Good to see another fridge grower out there :grin:
I’ll be following along for sure! Good luck bud🍀


I didn’t expect to find another fridge grow, but here one is!

Nice. Subscribed


Hey new follower :slight_smile: I am pleased to have you here. Thanks for the input I grabbed these amazing site of grower supply and saved for later project :slight_smile:

nothing to complain so far. Today I try to figure out how long I can run the system with door closed. Yesterday after 4,5h I had 32,5 C and 50% rhl. If the temps stay at this point and increase not further that could be a perfect match. I will update you later on today.

I changed positions B in the Back and N in the Front. One looks like… Rucola xD


I love high temps for seedlings and cuttings. It speeds up things a lot.
Keep an eye on the watering,mould and the bugs and you’ll be sweet.

But how come your temperatures are so high, do you have an exhaust fan going ?

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High Stiff :slight_smile:

Yeah I have a interim solution running so far.
This morning I received info of order processing for my CF Set :slight_smile: seems like I can leave prototype phase behind me as this week matures…

Need to check climate within next hour :slight_smile:


I guess due to the small space in my freezer :slight_smile:

But seems like I have it kind of stable at 33-34C

Tommorow I will try to increase the period with closed door.



33.7C Hazes are happy as me :slight_smile: