Calle‘s indoor adventures - Project 1(Freezer) - Soma Amnesia Haze F2

Good morning Guys,

Seems like we are in the last week of the Amnesia Haze. She changed in last days really obviously and I am totally impressed of the overall picture!

You can’t believe how hungry I am for the first indoor buds :rofl:

and now….
:mage: Couch or work ?


Looking fantastic!

I’d choose the couch if I were you :wink:


Thanks Bro :star_struck:

Haha yeah but my living room CFO would kick my ass :exploding_head:

That’s a good one :joy:

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In the meanwhile I am kind of busy with small harvest preparation;) Corporate Identity try with that purple rabbit :rofl:

In my mother language we sometimes call Haze = Hase which means rabbit.


Housewife’s Haze :wink:


That strain always brings a unique twist.

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Which one ? Only one is Amnesia Haze

Forgotten to reply to your answer

Today I am sending just few autumn vibes :heart_eyes:


Happy weekend all together.

No proper dry or cure but for testing reasons I will try this one tonight. Harvest or panic attack ?!


I’d wait until tomorrow after you find out the results of the sample



Yeah that is my plan and maybe cut only half of the buds and let the other few days more. Don’t know we will see :slight_smile:

It’s really danky and I have problems with keeping it in secret xD

My M39 project looks like I have good look with girls. 5/2 for the girls. Really nice expressions of both parents and I can’t wait to plant them in bigger shoes!

Without my plants I would be lost in my current situation. Shoutout to Mother Earth!


Looks really close…

Nice, m39 project, sturdy plants it seems.

Enjoy your little secret and take care Calle, it’s important to have a little place to breath and chill, plants are great for that. And remember life ain’t always hard :slight_smile:

Have a good week end!


Hey my mate , I just saw your comment! Bit late I guess :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The amnesia is ready to use and it is a nice daytime smoke. Not bad.

The other plant attracts me a lot more due to its Bud structure and the really interesting smell. Rotten Cherry or so.

FD 78

Yeah the M39 project is one of my really wanted projects and seems like I am banging it :wink: 9 seeds and 8 made it! 7 performed really well and 1 cripple.
I can only complain on the share but I would love to have one more boy since I have sure 6 beautiful females out of the 7!

I prepared nearly everything to take cuttings of all and preserve the f3 for my further exploration approach.

All are growing vigorously and I have nice Pheno deviations , expressions of both parents, red steems , long /short leave stems, different smells, some double serrations!

Oh yeah it’s a pleasure to me for sure!

Here 2 more NL5 leaning phenos i would say ?!

It’s one of the best spots of my spot :slight_smile:

Happy Weekend :mage:


Nice buds indeed, but I’m missing the amnesia :laughing:

One male is not much, but looks like you may be able to do different lines still.


Yeah you are right. But on the other hand i can explore 6 girls. Fortunately the boy is vigorous as well so I will not complain! Should I take 2 or 3 of each for cuttings ?

Weather is pretty challenging. Close to frost over night since nearly 4 weeks. Never had something like that in last 15 years.


If you are comfortable cloning I’d take 2, if you aren’t I’d take cuts a week apart so you basically get two totally different “tries” if that makes any sense.

Took me a try before I got it figured out. :+1::+1:

Close to frost? What’s your latitude?


Yeah there is a sense - at least to me :slight_smile:

I am growing at around 53N
This year the weather is really unique ,
Maybe I will get a unbelievable hot autumn :rofl:


Weather is shit here too, sometimes there’s some day with a bit of sun otherwise it’s cloudy, and cold at night. I’ve been waiting more than I want to soak your UEL because of that. I’ll do it soon or it’s gonna be too late. But I already know this year will be hard for weed, weather will be too wet.

If you’re not at ease at cloning (yet), I’d say take the most you can without hurting the plants. It also depends on the size of your cloner.

Also beware a bit about @FieldEffect 's good advice: it works well if you have several cloners, but if you have only one, it’s a bit more difficult: the first series of clone you’ll take wouldn’t be at the same stage than the second series so it may add a bit of difficulties. When the second will get into the cloner, the first one will need to have a drier and drier environment to stimulate rooting, while the second would need a very wet environment to survive the first days. I usually prefer to have in a cloner snips that are taken at the same time to ease the environment management.

I’d say take 2 of each, then in 2 or 3 weeks you’ll know if you need to take some again and it should still be ok to do so.