Can I get an expert to take a look please

Hey world,
Can I get someone to take a look at this please, I just went into flowering and I’m noticing some yellow coming through the dark foliage, and in thinking my lights could be too intense?


Doubting lights are too intense. Whats your feed? And ph


I would go for Sulfur deficiency, as I see these symptoms … hum|nullxnull

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I’m with @George on the sulfur. Think s bit of mollases in your water might help


Hey thanks for all the quick responses, I’m feeding general organics line, and adjusting the pH to 6.0 - 6.1, and I’ve been adding a tea spoon of Epsom salts.

Perhaps my ph pen was off, I’ve recalibrated and fed, I’ll update in a couple days.

Soil? You been using recharge?

I’m using promix HP

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Perhaps I should up the dosage on the Epsom salt to a table spoon

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No expert but ph might be the cause promix sometimes will take the ph low down around 6.0 . Bumping it up should help .


I’ve never used Promix before just saw the perlite and assumed, Recharge would let the plants take in nutrients at a wider PH tho I’m not sure it works as well as it does in soil due to my lack of hands on knowledge with promix.

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A diluted Epsom salt foliar spray before lights going out would be faster … beer3|nullxnull


Epson salt like @George says


The results comes with 2 weeks

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