Canada Seed Trading


to be honest I donā€™t know if I have smoked the MK Ultra but the clone I am getting is the one that the cash crop crowd was running here in BC before such things became unprofittable. A guy I know from the sunshine coast that was running big 400 to 600 plant rooms commercially used to run this cut alongside the Pink Kush and a few others. From what I am told , it is killer though and a good producer so Iā€™ll add it to the stable. I am pretty sure I am getting more than one clone so if it all checks out Iā€™ll pass one to @Pigeonman because I know what it is like to quest for something and I like happy endings :wink:



If things work out my plan would be to bush out the clone, take cuttings, make MOAR clones, pop the 2x T.H.Seeds MK Ultra Fems I have in the ā€œSeedrun Vaultā€ and then STS the fuck out of 2 of them and then run the pollen with everything in the same tent.

Should be fun and iā€™ll never have to look for it again! + anyone OG in need gets. :v:


I grew Power Africa MK ULTRA a few years ago outdoorā€¦it was my favorite of the year then


okay I just got back from a road trip a couple or so hours south to the neurosurgeon and met up with my friend. We have known each other on a non weed forum for several years , swapped clones and seeds and just met today There is actually several people in the group and none of us have ever met LOL Anyways I picked up Slurricane, Blackberry Hammer, Gelato Crush and the MK Ultra. Only one of each to stay legal I guess so @Pigeonman Iā€™ll veg it up and get you a clean rooted cut as soon as I can. I said Iā€™d get you that cut and I aim to follow through :wink:

anyone come across any Lucifer OG , Bear OG, ā€¦ long shots I know but the hunt goes on.


Are you able to shed light on the Lindsay OG, I remember getting some real good samples of it in the golden dispensary era, but have not heard it in awhile. Its on my list of Canadian cultivars to investigate further.


No sorry, i just know it was an og cross thats been cash cropped around Lindsay for a while now. Over 10 years for sure. Heavy high, strong smell, usually one of the cheaper options on the mom sites, but a solid 7/10 all around.

I dont know the timeline of kush coming into the scene, but i think it was well after the first wave of purple kushes and such

On one of bubblemans older visits to the house of the great gardener there is a guy rocking a very nice bag of it.



Yeah it made its way out east here, and was prominent on the dispo menus and packs were going for quad pricing during the first pk rush. Interesting genetics for sure, I remember it being really heavy with some nice citrus in there. Would love to know more from any of our other canucks. This was in the era of Nuken, Nebula, PK, Hindu Kush, and the first time I started seeing packs of Pink Kush.


when kush first appeared in the lowermainland at the dealer level it was somewhere around the 99 to 2001 timeframe because that is when the market changed.
I was running Shishkaberry, NL5(clone) , Blueberry (clone) and the little hashplant I still seek today. Lets start at 1998 because that is when I aquired the shishkaberry seed. I had zero trouble moving pounds of shishka and NL5 for 2800 to 3200 to both canadian and american buyers. Then ā€œkushā€ came around and the dealers I knew didnā€™t want the NL or the blueberry anymore. The shishka cut I had held itā€™s own but most of that was going to ontario as did one of my other shishkaberry cuts. Whitby would have been the landing spot of those pounds and the clone itself so anyone in the early 2000ā€™s getting shishka from dealers in and around whitby and also Bracebridge and Stovilleā€¦ that shishka would hae come from me or the clone came from my phenohunts.
Anywaysā€¦ Kushā€¦ I would say it broke onto the scene here in the lowermainland of BC right around 2000. It was not called OG Kush , it was just called ā€œthe kushā€.
Nuken , being a cash crop ken creation was a cup winner on the west coast cup scene. That was made with the shishka genetics stolen by marc emery and one of the nails in the coffin of the relationship between Spice of Life and Marc Emery. The Nuken cup win was in 2005 if I remember correctly. That was also the year I had to quit growing at home and I left the scene entirely until 2015 when I finally joined the internet of weed.
I remember when Bubba broke onto the scene and that would have also been between 2005 and 2010. We got 2 types of Bubba from our dealer Dan the Man in Newton at the time. When he had the premium bubba kush we would get a text message that just said ā€œthe killz have landedā€ LOL. That particular bud was called bubba D and the standard but still good bubba was called bubba kush. Never did get a clone of the Bubba D though I tried for a long time.
The ā€œelite clone onlyā€ scene took off from there(2005 to 2010) as far as my personal experiences goā€¦ but like I said, for those 10 years I was a consumer, smoking the best I could find.
Back in 89 when I started growing as a garden rat for some connected folks, they were growing purple afghani , Hawaiian Indica and a few other strains. No skunks or hazes but Sandy Richards (rip) , patch member of the Outlaws , was the first grower to receive the UBC Chemo although he labelled the plant tags as Kimo. I was there on the couch the day those 4 clones in a take out drink tray arrived.
Anyhowā€¦ as far as OG Kush goes ā€¦ I would say that ā€œsceneā€ started in BC at the turn of the year 2000.


I have a nice Thai



Oh man! This is truly my favourite type of post. I love hearing about the history of things in this country! There is so much history and your experiences are really riveting. Would love to hear more about any or all of your experiences with the industry or anything. Really helps unfog the map when I think back as to the tags and packs I was seeing completely across the country, and know what was going on across the continent.


I donā€™t pretend to have my finger on the pulse of what went on back then and can only speak to things I experienced. I think what weed was availlable in those days, say 95 to 2005 , depended on 1) how bold you were at connecting with people and 2) what neighborhood or area of BC you were growing or buying weed in. So I can speak to a lot of the surrey/delta experience as far as what people were smoking and what some were growing. The rest is knowledge gleaned from conversations Iā€™ve had and also what Iā€™ve read. Names I will only drop if that person is deceased and no longer has any cards in the game. My mentor was a bikerā€¦ I never inspired to be one, I was just given a choice because I was dating his daughter when my journey began. I was a hashish and LSD dealer at the time and I was a hoodrat criminal LOLā€¦ so the choice was leave that life behind and learn to grow weedā€¦ or fuck off ā€¦ it was an easy decision for me at the time :rofl: but these stories are for another time and a different thread.


@TricycleOfDoom he really does! I grew out some of @SativaKid 's Thai and although I ended up :game_die: 2 of 2 males, they were such nice males Iā€™m sad I didnā€™t run them for pollen but I had to much going on at the time.


@SHSC-1 , that was a fantastic read. Thanks so much for sharing!

Iā€™m also curious if you recall the ā€œRockstarā€ cut going around for sometime in the 2003-2010 area (time travel and :broccoli: brain fog). I know itā€™s more available as Rockstar OG but Iā€™ve been questing for a cut of original Rockstar that tastes like your smoking pure black pepper and then youā€™re writing a paper for your thesis like itā€™s nothing type of reaction.


Hey @SativaKid :grinning:

I would love to grow some of your Thai. What are you looking for in a trade?

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So does Pete. Nice.


I remember 2005 to say 2007 we were getting weed in tuna fish cans. First came Rockstar , then came Skywalker OG, then came Tuna Kush. Pretty much in that order and then whoever was producing that bud stopped growing/selling or got popped maybe. All that weed came by way of the Vancouver longshoremen I know who these days I think get most of thier weed from dial a dope delivery sites LOL
It was closer 2007 and say 2009 that we were getting ā€œthe killzā€ which was some extremely well grown Bubba Kush called Bubba D from dan the man and I pretty much got all my supply through him. As fate would have itā€¦ heā€™s a longshoreman now too LOL but i donā€™t think he deals bud anymore :rofl:


Call him , we donā€™t care what u think ā€¦


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Ah I miss that tuna kush that used to come in cans. We used to get those sealed cans way out here in Ontario and it was much more expensive than what most people were buying at the time but it was some really nice stuff. (this is when I was in highschool around 2005-2008)

Iā€™ve never had any of the original rockstar. I heard the ā€œrockstar kushā€ that is going around these days is rockstar crossed to bubba but actually have no idea. Shit reeks though.


Oh do I ever remember those cans of kush. I used to get mine from a friend who was employed so to speak by the organization responsible for them. Iā€™ll leave that at that though. But I tell ya, the very last can I spent my money on was the one that wasnā€™t tuna kush, and whatever it was it wasnā€™t good. It burned horribly black and was harsh as all hell and was not a kush by any means.

I also enjoy these stories! Immensely