CANNA/HOPS Let’s grow it together

These are currently available on strainly. It’s worth checking out just to look at the pictures. Is it okay to post a link?

The plan is to cross Legitimo with Bangi Haze this summer.


Looking forward to following along with this.

Japanese hops have a terrible oil profile.

Is that what happened to all the legendary Cali weed we used to hear about? They crossed it with Japanese hops to hide it from the cops? And fed it a bunch of organic bone meal to hide the smell?

Mon. March 28

Very cool. Interesting to say the least. Looking forward to this my friend, positive vibes headed your way


I thought all the claims of cannabis/hops hybrids were BS and basically fly by night scams to sell seeds.

Has anyone here at OG grown, seen, or know someone who has grown a real cannabis-hops hybrid?

It would be really cool if real, and I hope it is, but so far I don’t believe this really exists.



That was what I thought as well. There was German website years ago that showed a pot cutting grafted to a hop plant or some other trickery like that, but I’ve never seen anyone actually grow them out.

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The German website is KALYSEEDS. I believe it’s referenced above.
The person on STRAINLY did a small repro from seeds he obtained from KALYSEEDS. He also crossed them to some cannabis he was growing at the time, so it sounds like it’s possible to outcross this hybrid. The seeds on STRAINLY are pretty affordable if anyone wants to grow it for themselves.


I just found this and thought I’d share. :grinning:


Well I will certainly be following along, thought this was bunk for a loooong time, excited to see if it turns out to be … legitimo!


I can’t see it. Even if it worked, hops are made to bitter beer to balance out the sweet syrupy, malt. If you’ve ever put fresh hops in your mouth you’ll remember it.

When I was home brewing beer, people on the beer forums kept talking about using bud to try and bitter the beer, but it dosen’t work.

Hops are rhizomes/vines. It’s neat to think about but hard to imagine. I’ve grown hops and really enjoyed them. I may try some here. It’s almost time to buy your fresh rhizomes to get them in the ground before summer. In some regards they are very similar to pot in that people sniff them to get an idea of the flavors it might impart to a beer. And the flowers look about the size of a bud, but it’s like a small, green, paper thin pine comb. The ingredient that gives the flavors/aromas is Lupilin. It’s a bright yellow substance almost like thick pollen, inside of every hop.


I don’t believe it either. I read about grafting hops on cannabis roots as a kid and was fascinated by the idea. A few years ago I remembered and googled it. Disappointing. Would be cool but unless I see a positive THC test by somebody I trust, I doubt it.


Hey sweet
I got some too. He says they can get big with some room. Did you get germination tips? Plant in the soil you will grow them in and allow multiple wet/ almost dry cycles. 5 days to 5 weeks to pop.
@Alottement These are legit. No doubt. Its japanese" hops" with thc cones that you can smoke or cook with. They look more like buds than typical cones. He says he has smoked it and it has a noticeable weed effect. Lacks a bit in the flavor department but is by no means nasty or hard to smoke. I’ll be dropping my seeds in soil soon too.
I’ve been a believer in this one. People gain something. Kaly seeds only had something to lose. We shall soon have confirmation or not as to whether there is thc in these. Me thinks yes.


Everything you smoke will give you a certain buzz. And hops has its own medicinal ingredients. But I’d love to be proven wrong on this one. Please tag me when you run them @Upstate

PS. As we talked about that DIY CBD test recently, there is one for THC too. The reagent is ethanol with 5% vanillin and then add some hydrochloric acid. Would love to see that run on the cannahops. :man_scientist: :nerd_face:


@allotment I believe the guy. I’ll happily get it tested.


Humulus Lupulus is the species of hops used in beer making and is one of seven species of hops. The one that was used by KalySeeds is Humulus Scandens(japonicus) and to the best of my knowledge it does not produce Lupilin.


No, i did not get any germination tips. No wonder my seeds look like they’re getting moldy on the heat mat. :grimacing:


Better put those in the dirt. Give it a good watering and then let it dry out. Not bone dry, but close. Very very lightly damp I guess is a good way to word it. I’m hoping this way of germinating can teach me some patience with some of my landrace seeds. After Growing Seeds that Sprout after two days for more than a quarter-century, anything that goes longer than 5 to 7 days I tend give up on. Twice now I have dumped old seed I had in Solo cups out into my soil mixture to reuse it. A couple weeks later I had a sprout. Just happened with Peshawar…(least i think thats what it is).
He said these have 100% germination so don’t give up on them easily and if they haven’t popped after 5 weeks put them outside in the ground


Thank you. That’s very helpful. I’ll put a few more in the dirt to be on the safe side.


Fascinating. Thanks for posting!


Any signs of life? I’ve decided to plant half of mine in the ground outdoors. Easiest way to get wet/dry cycles is to let Mother Nature do it for you, at least here in NY.