Cannabis compound found in different plant

This is pretty interesting


I’ve also read about the use of CRISPr genetic engineering to modify yeast to produce canabinoids in a vat. It’s a brave new world for sure.

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That’s very cool, some people will lose their mind over gmo CBD unfortunately.

A guy I know once told me about his colleagues growing THC in a Vat, although it was for entertainment / research purposes if I remember correctly. He s a PhD Chemist and always has fascinating shit to tell.

They also made THC crystals once and one of his colleagues swears on a freeze dryer for optimal drying.


that makes the most sense of anything i’ve read here in a while. it would most likely be flash frozen if i’m following the process correctly. i read about it a few years ago, not with pot, the process.

on topic:
yo, i also read about another plant as well.
(… but damn i can’t find the link now, lol.)


I think Echinacea contains CBD (or similar) …though I could be wrong :thinking: