THC From Yeast? Science Has Found a Way

Link For interview from Hyacinth a Canadian based company Is this to be the future? less space, less time no need of light or expensive fertilizer. no contamination or byproducts, you produce just what you want. For medical use it will soon become the preferred source.They have genetically modified yeast to produce eggs, milk, meat proteins and feed it on sugar. What are your thoughts.


This is an interesting topic. I’ve heard of other compounds being grown on microbes. Recently I looked into different food preservatives to find some are grown on crobes instead of extracted from plants. It’s really cheap labor :crazy_face:

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To piggy back on this…
Sometimes companies will use this route to get drugs passed by the FDA. I think it happened with epidiolex… they extracted cannabidiol from a legal plant (maybe echinatea?) To get approval and a patent… then by law they were able to pursue the “safest, most economical” way of getting CBD… which was plant extraction.
This could maybe lead that direction :man_shrugging:

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Until they can get the yeast to produce all of the secondary metabolites the plant can, there will still be a niche for craft flower. Ever taken Marinol or pure distillate? Doesn’t have that same effect.

I agree, it will probably be used by big pharm to produce single molecule medicines. Maybe used in edibles and vape carts too.


I cannot support stuff such as that cause it supports population growth, and we’re already very badly overpopulated.


This tech. may help populate the stars. Be the basis for the food replicator of scifi fame.It will never replace flower.


That just makes me look at us like We’re pests, trying to make it to another host / planet so we can suck it dry too.

Honestly I think we do more harm than good when it comes to anything an everything - we try to find solutions to problems but we just create more in doing so.


If I can make weed and beer at the same time I’m willing to entertain the idea.


Kids at Berkeley figured this out several years ago


Am wondering if I made the roster for team 1972 Vietnamese landrace seeds? :joy::wave:


So who has the hookup on some spores or a culture of this GM yeast? :wink:



Here’s the interview with a CEO from Hyasynth

I skimmed through it, but the guy said something halfway through the vid that made me laugh
“Getting the seeds across (from Canada to the US) when it comes to starting a brand new grow is a big complicated process.”

Dude never heard of a coin flip and hose washer


I just read something on yeast derived terpenes for wine and beer production. Won’t be to long till we start seeing the stuff in carts is my guess. Especially if it can be mass produced cheaply enough to supply the budget vape market, that opens up all the trim waste product that’s currently used for distillate to use for more premium price extracts.


I’m thinking the same thing, it will be a game changer for edibles and certain concentrates in the mass production industry. There will always be a place for flower and the plant is here to stay. 80+ years of prohibition has proved that. I remember when they first successfully developed genetically modified bacteria for insulin production. It was supposed to change everything for patients, more affordable drugs etc. More money for CEO’s and shareholders, not so much for the patient. The more things change the more they don’t.


You can synthesize a whole tange of cannabinoid already and we are going to find ways to do there singel one of them.

But thats not going to stop anyone from growing cannabis and as @EugeneDebs420 said, this is awesome for the premium segment to free alot of stuff thats used for the thc alone.

Pz :v:t2:


yes on the way. sent yesterday

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…er…uh…and thousands and thousands of years of continual use has too! :sweat_smile: :v:

@oldhippy :call_me_hand: MAHALO! (THANKS!) Will do my best!


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Haha, very true

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Looks like this is already happening in Canada

Even vape carts with cultured cannabinoids

Due to ease, length/time and cost of production there will be many jumping into this method, medical and recreational. Consider the fact that you will have a known strength and quality that is reproducible. Makes it very desirable to manufacturer’s

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