Well, seems as if this might’ve been planned. Otherwise…?
“A report from the California Department of Food and Agriculture estimated that Californians legally bought 600,000 pounds of weed through medical dispensaries in 2016, which compares to the 1.9 million pounds bought through the black market.”
from below;
Florida’s thriving medical marijuana industry is No. 2 in nation for growth, report says
There’s a funny bit spoken by Kevin Jodrey on the CA legal weed market where he put a sign on the counter “Contaminated Weed 50% OFF” & people would ask what’s wrong “Oh, all the usual… pesticides, fungicides, & chemicals & shit…” & they’d say “OK gimme some” much to the dismay of his friend with the testing lab.
He alludes to economics underlying it… those ‘billions served’ at the fast food chains as an example. The masses don’t care about health as much as cheap/survival.
How is any thinking person even remotely surprised by this?
Nice …
My wife and I want to take a vacation on my birthday which happens to be on 4/20. I would love to go to a cannabis event, meet breeders, icons, and make new friends. Does anyone know any events going on at that time. I can go just about anywhere in the world but I would prefer an English speaking country.
Jacksonville lawyer who claimed marijuana was legal must pay arrested clients $370k
Many seem to think that this will happen easily. Legalization
is inevitable.
Maybe not.
Mmm … bacon.
Yummy commercial cannabis.
It more than likely will pass…
but our local, state and federal governments will fuck it up, like every thing else they touch!
Regulations, taxes, fees etc… It has already started. The only reason there is slightest hope for legalization is the $ signs in every politicians eyes. I wonder if anyone else has thought about how most politicians enter politics, as well, every day citizens… mostly, then when they get out of politics for what ever reason, they are multi-millionaires. I think there should be a special hearing on this ‘situation’ alone.
Oh well… just pondering, as I tend to do. When I read thru post and I have a bit of time on my hands.
The high road: Cannabis will be legal in Illinois as of Jan. 1 and Beloit police are worried
Non-Cannabinoid and Anti-Cancer