Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

He’d never had pot before,“ordered a meal and a iced tea” eventually “opened the ice tea and found three bags of marijuana”. I’m going to have to call bullshit, Possible I suppose, but still bullshit.

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From the piece below;
Just one state — Illinois — has passed legislation establishing recreational sales. The other nine states that allow adults to buy weed for any reason have done so through ballot referendums. The legislative process has proven much messier. Instead of a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down from voters, every single lawmaker has an opportunity to weigh in on what legislation should look like.

Marijuana legalization gets lost in the weeds
A broad agreement to legalize pot by five northeastern governors is unlikely to make it much easier to reconcile specific policy details.


no way to get high or even a buzz with weed in your drink! How stupid are people.


Seriously. Solubility of THC in water is 14mg per liter.


Color me skeptical.

From ‘Veronica Mars’ to toxic vapes: The rise and fall of Honey Cut


That’s was a pretty good article to read. Thanks for posting it.

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You may have to get used to the pace and style of the show.
I love the parts where the long-haired dude talks to the plants - and they talk back…
"oh yay, we’re getting a haircut today!!! I want bangs!!! "

It’s sorta hokey, stupid, and not prime-time, but cool if you give it a chance…
Try putting it on Netflix while you’re doing sudokus or something on the computer…
…playing backgammon, playing cribbage… etc.

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So there’s the jackass who did in one year what big pharma has been trying to do for the last 10, and the idiot likely did it on accident. It’s been well known for at least 8 years in the nicotine vape industry that oils and lungs don’t mix. Companies that used oil based flavorings, and even vitamin e cartridges (company I used to work for received samples of vitamin e cartridges in 2011, and immediately put them in the circular filing cabinet) were largely, and quickly, self regulated out of the industry. It still happened, but typically occurred in in-house and DIY liquids. When a major brand was shown to have used oils, or to contain diacetyl (which if you’ve ever smoked cigarettes, you’ve received 500x the amount of diacetyl in every cigarette than they’ve found in a 30ml bottle of any major brand last I followed), they were virtually wiped out through bad publicity in a matter of months.


Legalize growing in all states.

I thought this was very interesting.


“Lipid microencapsulation is quite a bit different. It binds up the THC and CBD molecules with a medium-chain fatty acid. And that allows you to bypass first-step digestion and get into the bloodstream much faster. It also means more of the THC in the CBD molecules are available because less of it gets destroyed by your digestive acids.” - Peter Barsoom

Very interesting, indeed. Down the rabbit-hole I go.


It’s supposed to be “more of the THC and the CBD molecules are available” I guess?

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Effort to legalize marijuana in Florida picked up $1.1 million in October

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If it was all going to burn anyway, I’d maybe of tried the same thing if able

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Not news but quasi relevant.


I remain pessimistic.


Dysfunctional NJ.

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