Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)


The study reports that in states with medical marijuana laws, workers are 6.7 percent less likely to file a worker’s compensation claim, compared to the average.


agreed. but-
this is the kind of thing that sways lawmakers and lobbyists. the surest way to influence politicians and the rich is to appeal to their greed

Lol until they realize that people who smoke don’t file workman’s comp because the law permits national employers to drug test and deny workman’s comp even in legal states.

And then they’ll realize that maybe they don’t want to legalize so they can keep screwing us over.

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I understand that most cannabis is going to be pollinated by who the hell knows what next year. Enthusiasts will stay in controlled environments, because you have to…

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Any true brother (or sister et el) is not going to put their rl out there, right?
Doesn’t matter how good you think it might be, why, ever, would you allow your name to go on a list?
Curious Bear


@Jay Med cards out here are usually issued by the State, and fake names are not an option. Every person who visited was automatically entered onto that list as a prerequisite to purchase.

People on that list are usually older, and don’t have anywhere else to buy their bud. They’ll probably be easier targets for identity theft too, because they’ll have better than average credit and below average computer savvy.

It’s just another sad casualty of the State taking advantage of law-obiding citizens, and legitimate medical patients. If they really cared about medical access prices wouldn’t be so grossly inflated.


Diggy, I’m 48 or something. “The state” has lied, bribed and by otherwise tried to abuse me. All of “they” can get fucked.
I’ll do what I want. I am a man of the land and “they” can suck my hairy left tesntacle., not a typo.
I’ll never be a victim of a illegal, unjust authoritarian wannabee. Ever.
I will not go on any list, for any reason.
That said, go freedom!


Shit, I didn’t break copyright saying tesnacle did i? Sorry harry if i did! (that’s a joke btw)

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That’s all well and good for us growers, but the people who had their information broadcast over the internet are more likely elderly or disabled, and unable to grow their own.

Tbf we don’t know which state they are in, so we dont know if they were even legally allowed to grow, but still.

According to this version of the article, at least 3 states are involved.

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WTF, orange worms?

This is my takeaway quote from piece below;

With no industry standard methods, how possible is it that two labs testing samples from the same batch will come up with two different sets of results?

“(It’s) very, very possible,” said Felling. “And even if both labs know exactly what they’re doing, it’s still possible for them to come out different.”

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For God’s sake the man is 80. Hell unless he was growing for sale he shouldn’t even be charged let alone bothered. Makes me sad that governments will f@@k with the elderly like that