Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

Unstoppable movement?


I thought this was very funny.
It made me laugh. Out. Loud.



A tip of the hat is due.


Really, do tell us more, lol.



Wow, that is a truly weird article.
Half right and half bogus.

IMO, it is very premature to label cannabis potentially being a lifesaver for opioid addicts as a “myth”!

At the very least, the jury is still out on this issue.

There is an abundance of testimonial/anecdotal evidence which contradicts this author’s(and Hasin’s) seemingly specious assertion.

I wonder.


Crackpots on every corner.



I’ve been waiting for this for years! What a great day this is!



« withdrawal, addiction » she wrote, hey?

What from exactly? Pesticide-laced THC-centric mari-caca or the SMOKER habit?.. A win-win scenario for bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists.

What You See Is Not Always What You Get (WYSINWYG)!

With the word “sin” embeded in it…




Dude, I’ve never before wanted to become a janitor, but McCarran Intl. Airport, here I come!




So two states can be legal but the airplane belongs to the feds so you can’t take the plant matter with you or they will put you in a cage and take your freedom and what ever money they can forcefully take from you. Does this sound like a publicly elected government that has its citizens BEST intentions at heart or a bullying opportunistic government that takes everything it can from its citizens and locks up the ones that refuse to obey?


No doubt the boxes will be empty!! Didn’t they try something like this in Colorado?

We live in crazy, fascist times. I was in CVS yesterday and they have a big lockbox for customers to “dispose” of extra pharma drugs. Love the mentality - you pay us for the pills, then you give the pills back to us!

Not sure what is wrong with the trash can, which goes to an incinerator. You know damn well any opiates that end up in police or pharma drop boxes are not getting disposed of! Totally un-audited drugs given to a cop or pharmacy…right!


Innovative gadget?


This makes me wonder.


Nearly two months after marijuana became legal in California only about 1 percent of the state’s known growers have been licensed…


sure, it will give you nicely ground herb right up until it clogs and you have to take it apart and clean the mechanisms. Some things are not meant to be automated!

Nearly two months after marijuana became legal in California only about 1 percent of the state’s known growers have been licensed

yup, here comes the epic fail of Legalization 1.0 that we’ve been predicting all along


Salutations Calyxander,

IMO it depends what’s the consumer’s own comparison standard.

The broader question is, why need to grind in the 1st place?..


Here’s how i see the future of mari-caca on the planet of cap’tain Itnoc:

It’s both divine and evil, depending who’s using it, how and why…

The principle is this, a heat-resistant/inert material shaped as some monolithic velcro-like sheet (made of hooks with round heads mounted on poles to implement synthetic trichomes in this case) would be most appropriate for a flash vaporization concept based on “adiabatic approximation” (instead of Hot Dry Air Ovenization, for example), e.g. energy doesn’t have time to transfer and disperse in the substrate before it’s depleted (see “thermodynamic process” in WikiPedia). Which means only the tips are targetted when used in combination with a “packetized” heat charge…

Such mosaic structure spontaneously suggests a composition as in display images and more specifically jet printers: imagine droplets from THC, CBD, CBN, terpenes, flavonoïds (and more) “ink” bottles spraying these noble molecules according to precisely calculated ratios! I don’t know, maybe 10 THC tips for 3 CBD, 6 terpenes, 4 flavonoïd, whatever. The amount of possible compositions would seem infinite.

Such control can be made accessible and affordable to the masses as the complementary part of some Induction Heat “Weapon of Mass Seduction”, In The Name Of Children. But then there’s genuine protection (from various enhancements of the consumption method) vs predatory action for self-serving politicians disguised as champion saviours… In heaven the benefits would be for consumers, in hell consumers would have their sessions recorded and monitored in real-time using a locked device that’s remotely controlled by Health Canada. TV cable distributors rent expensive revenue-generating terminals which are cash cows financed by their client$, in the Canuck land of cap’tain Itnoc i don’t need to think hard to envision the perfect form of CULTURAL GENOCIDE by replacing dry flowers with cannabic polyimide films that publicly-subsidized pen-size tools can easily vaporize toke-by-toke (e.g. “1-Hitters”). With names, age and GPS location available to “justice” as legal proof in cases involving the Child Protection Services, for example, etc. (to punish “smoking” in presence of a minor)…

Providence is such manufacturers are lazy/greedy and consumers unable to decide when it’s OKay to be money-pinching vs being satisfied to throw money at an elusive problem. But that won’t last forever.

Lets be careful what we can wish for, innovative gadgets may pave the way to unsuspected avenues leading to hell - and right now it’s the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitioni$ts who ceased control…

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Yes, I agree.
There is something ritualistic and pleasurable in preparing a nice flower for smoking with a low tech pair of scissors and my fingers.

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Well, here are some more hi-tech gadgets that I will probably never use.
Interesting nonetheless.


Salutations Calyxander,

Right, all the sudden my lungs seem to hurt just to think of walking that path again… Worse, backwards:

« …pivots its heat setting to account for the change in temperature… »
« …wait for the vapor to be extracted into the bottle… »

M’well, it may be fun for those who can stand it while still glad to spend that sort of money to actively support what i perceive as antiquated solutions. Maybe if one is willing to wait a sufficient amount of years for development, patiently…

But the will for innovation is always stimulating anyway, nice finding! Who knows?!..


Good day, have fun!! :peace: