Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I swear THC was placed on the scheduled substances list because COMMUNISTS were poisoning peoples edibles and hashes…I can’t imagine that still being a problem in America…


I dunno man i got 2 kinds of onions the cheap and the nice kind.


The dreaded C word.


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I only want the purple ones.


A specialty item $$$


Yeah, I doubt we’ll ever see a “leave it to the states no federal involvement” scenario.

On the topic of prohibition, alcohol, and homebrewing… homebrewing wasn’t federally legal immediately post prohibition, it wasn’t legalized until 1978. Even then, the states were free to make their own laws (some of which are mentioned briefly at the bottom of the attached article).


So I just realized something interesting about this case… in most states, federal felons also lose the right to vote, at least for a time. Whether they realize it or not, by leaning on this argument the administration is also arguing that states should be able to restrict the voting rights of medical marijuana patients. In fact, as I read it, this ruling would place medical marijuana patients in the status of felons who have not yet completed their sentence, and would require all states except two to rewrite their laws if they wanted to allow medical marijuana patients to vote. That last part would certainly be up to interpretation, since this is such a… novel contention by the administration in the first place. As far as I know, no states have written laws concerning what happens to the voting rights of someone who is treated as if they’ve been convicted of a federal felony without being convicted because the administration doesn’t feel like bothering to take them all to court.

I wonder if the administration’s lawyers are really this stupid, or if they know full well what they’re arguing to allow the next administration to do, or the next? Not to be too openly political, but parties in power do change. :stuck_out_tongue:


Forget about the prison industrial complex for a moment it’s amazing to me that criminals can’t vote. They become stateless which is crazy to me. Criminals can vote up here.


But that IS the entire point. It seems the current politicians need to apprise themselves of the events surrounding schedualization and not just the policy…:grin:

When laws impede the rights of the citizen, those laws need to be changed.



10mph over speed limit = citizenship revoked.


Actually it was a Scottish Dr who was given the job of classifying drugs around 1910 for the Brittish medical association after Opium, Heroine and Cocain which was legal back then started creating a lot problems in the London opium dens, unfortunately he didn’t understand how most of the drugs affected people so he just stuck cannabis in with all the other heavily addictive ones.


Why was it that one persons opinion of how to catagorize hat class a drug should be in…after all they could have used DR. Timothy Leary in 72 during the Nixon admin tromp on drug classification after all he was a highly educated man

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I wonder how much he was selling his weed for? Most likely he was just protecting his turf. lol


It’s because there aren’t many actually records of the events surrounding the policy. Looking back it appears to be a bunch of policies put into place with no explanation. But the cavet is the THC %…


Right now in Jersey the CRC (Cannabis Regulatory Commission) just took away Curaleaf’s recreational license! They finally did something good! Now Curaleaf - who is known to treat their employees like shit, slap uncured bud into bags, sell moldy products, and lobby heavily against homegrow here - is emailing customers begging them to write the commission and their politicians like it’s some grass roots cannabis cause and fighting the man.

It would make me so happy to watch Curaleaf die.


They should start a go fund me page that would be a laugh.

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becoming? where have you been? it’s always been there and if you don’t believe it was the norm, where did the term “backroom deals” come from? it just became the normal way of doing business in the us after citizens united removed the limits and the need to hide it any longer. there is a book called “george washington’s expense account” that i had in 6th grade that my dad gave me and used it to warn me about how even the “good guys” aren’t that good, just better than the “bad guys”. it has his actual expense account photocopied and then the same entries typed up and easier to read. yeah, they were all crooks to some degree, and it has only gotten worse. we can’t ever fix it since it is is working as designed.


you don’t really believe that we ever had freedom in the us, do you? your first clue is that the entire constitution never mentions the people except slaves until the amendments. they wrote the whole document and finished it and not once considered the rights of the people, as in we the people at the very beginning. had it not been for hamilton we wouldn’t even have the bill of rights. pseudo-freedom and pseudo-opportunity.

first off, we let folks redefine truth all the time. second, lie detectors are easy to beat, i did it once at derbycon. they had a federal lie detector operator and a game where they let folks try to beat it. it was easy as hell.

not least of which has been 70+ years of demonizing it with bullshit or the fact that most americans don’t smoke like they used to drink. also, they learned from alcohol prohibition and the mistakes not to make, then did a decent job of avoiding them in '38. now they’re at it again, they’ve just changed hats and coats. it’s not political, although in the us one side seems more adept at it than the other, it’s all about control. control everything and make all the money. the side that is not adept at it has no problem taking the money and that is why there is no real change.

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