Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The biggest lie ever told was “Nobody is above the law.”

This lie was contrived and spread by those who are above the law.


Is Legal Marijuana Giving Local Housing Markets in 2023 a Buzz?

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I believe that happened just after George Washington left office. I’m not sure. If @JohnnyPotseed was here we could ask. He’d remember.


I can attest to that. I know a guy that was guilty as hell and we all knew it. He even told me the whole story of what happened. He was given two polygraph tests which he passed easily. Later on, he told me “If you can control your emotions you have it beat. Just know going in that they will ask about this and that and be ready for it when they do so your emotions won’t spike”.
The proof is right there. Anyone who can meditate or stay calm can beat the best polygraph test.


Well I can agree that humans have always been attracted to shiney things and money buys them along with the power to attract others who want shiney things. Sort of the Angel vs the Pirate in us. But without a long philosophical diatribe I’m quite capable of, I’ll just say, maybe corruption has increased even past the point of no return and maybe Nature, God, Math, Shiva, whatever, has a reason for it.


On the news this morning, the new craze,… Stone and Tone. Getting stoned for your workout.


I usually smoke before and after running…


Smoking actually expands your lungs. I used to run 5 miles and work out before breakfast, and often had 4 or 5 mile hikes or runs with full gear and pack not long after breakfast.


This did not make the list.
Cannabis was wrongfully labeled as a dangerous drug with no medical benefit.
We now know this was all lies.
Unjust laws were formed because of and around these lies.
We even signed international treaties based upon these same lies.
Now we have to consult other countries to overturn these unjust laws that were based on lies.

From the article:
“To remove cannabis from Schedule 1, the U.S. would need to work with other countries to renegotiate these treaties or to establish a new global framework that allows for the federal legalization of the plant.”

The current laws are unjust and should just be removed as they should not have been laws in the first place because they are based on what we now know is misinformation.

So why make it such a big international deal?

They need to say these words, but they would never say such things…

We lied and these laws are unjust therefore they need to be rolled back to a day before this law existed.

Remove the unjust laws based on lies it can be that simple.

But there ain’t no money in that, so I do not expect to see this ever. :money_mouth_face:


Seems there was more freedom than we have in this day & age. You could argue it was pseudo freedom, perhaps? You bring up a great point about redefining truth - it’s happening more and more frequently, as well as re-defining words / changing the language and instilling new norms through the system to suit the new paradigm of control. Ultimately it all comes down to control (and cash). Careful now, we best stop all this freedom talk lest Uncle Sam’s alphabet bois label us as domestic terrorists.


This seems to be true!
When someone starts to talk about defending freedom it is not hard to see, some folks wanna call that domestic terrorism.
You would think that would piss the military folks off. :thinking:
They give their lives to defend our freedom or at least they used to. :us:


the only reason i call it pseudo freedom is because that’s what it is and always has been. stop paying your taxes and they take your land away (not true in all states, but most). gotta wear a seat belt to drive, gotta pay state sponsored bribery, aka insurance, gotta wear a helmet to ride my motorcycle (also not true in all states, but most). i could go on but you get the picture. of course we need taxes to pay for things we all use, but we need to just ditch what we have and move to a flat tax with no loopholes or exceptions. we could fix the system we have but it pays way better to keep it like it is, no matter how much harm it does to how many people.


Damn Texas! You move slower than frozen molasses.


Texas is still years away from any legalization. Where i live the city will not buy the $$$$ machine that tells Hemp CBD bullshit from ours, so they will not fuck with you under 4 Z’s. Can cite you, 50 buck ticket i believe and a 3 hour online class, no record of it. So at least concerns of being busted for smoking and holding a 1/4 ounce of it are GONE…at least here. Local cops are 100% not looking for teenager’s smoking weed anymore. The war has been lost, and they know it. With my age and grey hair im immune to them. I spark whenever and wherever i want, with zero fear of the 5.0 Doing what some of y’all do here, lol, is still frowned upon , and would be troublesome, but as above, they are 100% NOT hunting grow houses here anymore. They are vamouse…gone. The back door Cali dispo bud is so cheap grow house cannot compete, even stealing their electricity. No one here is running big grows. Just not.
Ive hid from the law for 50 plus years with MJ, no more…big middle finger to them now!!!


I remember being paranoid as hell to go into this place. Landmark gone.


I was thinking about this earlier and I have to wonder… did they choose random herb to give their subjects… or did they try to pick particularly up-creative herb? I’m going to guess they didn’t go the extra mile and do the latter.