unbelievable…this guy is supposed to be our friend? He’s like a living embodiment of Fahrenheit 451 combined with 1984…
“It won’t just be ‘grow what you want,’” Scutari said. “People can’t just throw seeds in a pot.”
unbelievable…this guy is supposed to be our friend? He’s like a living embodiment of Fahrenheit 451 combined with 1984…
“It won’t just be ‘grow what you want,’” Scutari said. “People can’t just throw seeds in a pot.”
@Muleskinner And you just know that this guy is probably the same one arguing for less inspection and regulation of almost every other business, even when it’s clearly not in the public interest
Edit: yeah see this guy has no problem double dipping himself, he was ousted as his municipal prosecutor job because he was simultaneously in the Senate and didn’t bother showing up to court, but kept taking the check. Yeah.
it’s the “medical freedom” governor again! Props to pharma for hiring sexier PR reps these days…
I respect this guy for pairing that suit with a Backwoods, that’s a man that smokes blunts and didn’t just have someone hand him a prop, or it would have been a premade wrap. Shit, maybe that’s even fronto. The first politician I see whip out a bag of fronto leaf gets my vote
wow, look at the ancient mural - are my eyes deceiving me or does it look like that guy on the left is blazing up a huge joint??? actually it looks like both of them are smoking a J…1300 years ago!
Nice. They’re literally highway robbers wearing suits now. Dunno how I manage to still expect enough from them to be disappointed, but somehow I am…
studebaker (the old indiana based car company that started out making covered wagons in the 1800s) sold the edison motor electric car before they sold internal combustion vehicles.
JM Studebaker famously said something along these lines:
“the combustion engine is a cacophonous inconvenience, whose noxious fumes are far worse than the road apples of a horse drawn buggy.”
that’s amazing, my father used to rave about the old Studebaker he drove to college in the 50’s, he loved it. Told a story about having to drive home for 3 hours with the heat not working in -20 degree weather. How ironic that today Pennsylvania no longer has -20 degree weather because of all the CO2 in the atmosphere.
I always think about the past when reading about how NIMBY people don’t like various odors and smells today - e.g. cannabis smells. America spent 300+ years living in cities & towns that reeked of horse & donkey manure every day. I live in a very old town that dates to 1630 and many old houses still have the little wrought-iron boot scraper on the front stoop. It wasn’t mud they were scraping off!
I remember the old windshield wipers that worked on the vacuum in the carburetor. The faster you drove, the slower the wipers worked.
And what about the little button on the floor under your left foot to switch to high beams?
I had a Plymouth once that had an automatic transmission with push buttons on the dash.
The “law” has always gone after the “underlings” who can’t afford a good lawyer or pay to get positive media coverage. The guys at the top might be questioned, be investigated etc. but rarely are they made responsible. Doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you sit, It’s the unwitting people on the bottom who are made to bare the indignation of the ruling class. Recent glaring example: Jan.6 invasion. The followers are being jailed while those who instigated it are out thumbing their noses at the world.
Northwest Pennsylanvia is the cold part! My dad always told stories about hiking to school through 2 feet of snow and freezing cold, I thought it was BS, Pennsylvania is practically a Southern state right? Wrong, the NW part is the same latitude as central New England, and his town was at 1500 feet elevation and gets lake effect snow, it’s more like northern Vermont than Philly. Some of the family live in Kane, PA which is 2200 feet elevation!
Interesting to note, in my state, that IS the distinction between legal and illegal weed. Legal weed is known as cannabis. Illegal weed is known as marijuana. Funny but I can’t see the difference Stoopid lawmakers…
I know, NJ Weedman did a great job of pointing this stuff out. Pharma and their politician puppets love the Mexican racial slur word! Can’t wait to see the police start asking for receipts when they find you with “marijuana” so they can see whether it’s “cannabis” or not!
He also coined a new name for the "Cannabis Control Commission’ here in Mass - CCC - Caucasian Corporate Cannabis