Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

By that I take it you mean “poison and addictive”?


“This isn’t what a serious process looks like,” Zorn told Marijuana Moment. “I mean, if this were based on the data and science, show us the data and science, right? Don’t show us tweets and PR stuff and everything.”

For those that say Big pharma will not take over if Schedule III is implemented, you can see here others have the same fear I have expressed over and over and was told “That ain’t gonna happen you are just fearmongering.”

Here is what a layer said:
moving marijuana to Schedule III may inadvertently lead the pharmaceutical industry to overtake the cannabis industry.


This is the whole point of everything Government does, handing all wealth, property, Government Power to the Elites and their Banks and Corporations. I wish those who think they have a side in Government would open their eyes and see the truth.

“That these dead shall not have died in vain– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the Ruling Elite, by the Ruling Elite, for the Ruling Elite, shall not perish from the earth”


I have to say that while reading all those posts I can see where someone that didn’t want to agree could find a reason to point fingers and claim “fearmongering”.
However, there has been a well thought out argument on dang near every point you have made. The fact that the industry is not pushing HARD to see marijuana legalized speaks volumes. If they thought that it would benefit them they would be all over this like a junkyard tomcat on a chipmunk. They’re not though so it, more or less, verifies that they know they would loose control of the market to the DEA.
The first thing to go will be license to grow at home for medical reasons. "We can’t have all those citizens, that we care so much about, consuming possibly hazardous contaminates because they didn’t know what they were doing!!! God forbid one of them intake nasty mold or harsh chemicals that they spray to rid the buds of all those awful pests that they don’t know how to control properly…

It’s written on the wall in bold blood red paint.

I have refrained from posting too much about this because I get extremely angry just thinking about it and I am not well known for keeping my anger out of my posts about this kind of thing.


BTW @shag
That’s as close to saying someone is right all the time as I will ever get. lol


Thanks @MoBilly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: you are very kind.
I wish I was right all of the time, but I am human so I do make a lot of mistakes

I do put a lot of thought, research and effort into what I post.
Some folks must think I post stuff all willy nilly like…

I do my best to post links and references for what I claim.
I just wish folks would be more open-minded than they currently are.
I feel they are selling themselves short and are failing to gain the knowledge needed to make a proper assessment of the discussion at hand.

Much like cancer awareness is needed I feel this sort of awareness is needed in order to fight for our right to grow our own cannabis without being incarcerated for it.
Some seem to think my posts are about me needing attention but I am only trying to raise awareness on these issues.
I wish some folks would take some time to truly evaluate what I post before they dismiss it as false.
I am good with those that have an opposing opinion and I always do my best to stay open-minded to what they say.
The name-calling and personal attacks I do find to be a distraction and not helpful to the discussion. :confused:

Some folks have said “No one is going to listen to you Shag”.
I am happy to see that some folks do.
I feel if the message gets out to even a few and they talk to a few others about it, my time is well spent.

Just trying to get the word out.
Thank you kindly for your words @MoBilly it makes me happy to see that others have received the message and are as mad as I am about the BS they try to get us to swallow. :wink:


Yeah, I could see that. That’s one reason I made that post. Validation is something we all need from time to time.

The thing is though, there comes a time when the point has been made clearly and if not accepted then it’s time to dust off your sandals and move on.
Someone may reason out a topic differently than I, and I might wholeheartedly disagree with their views, but if I see that there was some forethought to what they believe, I will listen with as open a mindset as I’m capable of. And if you are lucky enough to be conversing with someone else who thinks with their mind instead of their heart, it can be a constructive talk.
If not… don’t waste your fuel trying to move a mountain with a minibike and a tow chain.

That’s just the rambling of an old hillbilly though so take it as such. LOL


That is good advice and one of my shortcomings.
I love your hillbilly examples… :rofl:

Do we have anyone here from Georgia?

Is GA banning Delta 8?

Marijuana-derived Delta-8 THC is prohibited from being smoked, vaped, or ingested as edibles in Georgia, so if low-THC patients are found with Delta-8 THC in any form, they can be prosecuted.

Is Georgia a total THC state?

Cannabis in Georgia is illegal for recreational use, but decriminalized in the cities of Atlanta, Savannah, Macon, Athens, and others. Limited medical use is allowed in the form of cannabis oil containing less than 5% THC.

Georgia does not allow for the sale or possession of marijuana plant material such as flower, leaves, etc…


I wonder how many of these things go unnoticed?

Former Chair Of Marijuana Board, Rick Johnson, Sentenced To 55 Months In Federal Prison For Bribery


If there were any big pharma canna farms near me, I would plant hemp, and shitty autoflowers males all around their property just to fuck up their crops every year


I will throw this out there. It’s getting stupid writhing the government walls


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Lemme find it again. Was pretty amazing

@shag found it and posted above




Seems like a nothing-burger to me… according to the ruling attorneys fees are usually only awarded to the prevailing party when the case was “exceptional” and the claims were frivolous or manner in which the case was litigated unreasonable… and then goes on to point out it wasn’t a frivolous claim and Edible Arrangements didn’t do anything unreasonable in developing their case.

OTOH even if you’ve invested tons of money in a name and branding, if you go to file with the USPTO and they flag it for it’s similarity to a registered name… for a similar product… probably better to go spend more money coming up with a new name and branding.


ANA officially recognizes cannabis nursing as a specialty practice


We think the Entourage Effect is true, and I suspect it may be, but that study was garbage and I’m surprised it got reported on. It was lacking robust control variables, had no falsifiable hypotheses, and their methods and conclusion are pretty suspect. Also, it was conducted with dodgy proprietary tech rather than industry standard data collection devices, and the work was done by for-profit entities that didn’t list their significant conflicts of interest.

It’d be hard to design a less rigorous “study”…and I hope some real research is done on this once weed is rescheduled. I know CU Boulder’s “CU REACH” mobile lab is doing similar things, but they’re limited by the amount and type of equipment they can pack into the van.

:rainbow: :peace_symbol: