Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

i have an ex-wife in canada, she likes tea. go get a crate or two from her and tell her i sent you. then run like hell because she is crazy.


I have an ex-wife in Canada too and thereā€™s no way sheā€™d make me a cup of tea except to throw it at me.

Also, back on topic, I can get weed from the pharmacy. With a prescription. For any ailment really. You just need a sympathetic doctor.


back on topic? wtf are you taking about? we call them dispensaries in wv. my last dr visit to renew my card took about 5 minutes on the phone. that reminds me, i have to send that in to the state to get the card. itā€™s been two weeks. i canā€™t wait to file taxes for last year so i can deduct all the money i spent on my meds from the dispensary. almost $5k. the license to grow only costs $800 so i canā€™t wait to get that going.


I thought we were in the chat thread for a second.

No I mean the legitimate medical pharmacy. Right next to the penicillin. Not that I do, but I could. Itā€™s even covered by insurance.


I pay $120 annually for a 75 plant countā€¦lolā€¦itā€™s pretty friggin sweet. Those practitioners really killing itā€¦$120 for a 2 minute Skype meetingā€¦lol


personally I think it is a scam on the governmentā€™s allowance. I do not think anyone ever gets turned down. Itā€™s just a matter of money.


years ago a friend who was incarcerated for a needle being found in his house with a spec of cannabis oil on it, told me cannabis should be legal. I told him, when the government can figure out a way to make money from it, it will be legal. In Canada the government is making billions off it.
At that, in the province of Nova Scotia, no doubt similar across the country, a premier (like a govenore in the states) who previously incarcerated 1000s for being caught with it when it was illegal, is now one of the leading sellers. At least the one who helps businesses set up to sell it.
However, it has already been declared their cannabis has chemicals and mold in it.
It is better, if you want to imbibe it, that you grow your own, and it possible - organincally.


Nice quote

Pete Townshend wrote this song about a revolution. In the first verse, there is an uprising. In the middle, they overthrow those in power, but in the end, the new regime becomes just like the old one (ā€œMeet the new boss, same as the old bossā€).

Canā€™t grow your own but you can get it at the pharmacyā€¦ :thinking:
I heard that somewhere before. :wink:
This could be our future, something to think about anyway.


Pretty sure itā€™s just low THC oil. No flower, no high THC.


Itā€™s in The Who song , " Wont get fooled again", meet the new boss , same as the old boss. Also George Orwells Animal Farm premise. Edit, I now see you referenced it and Townsend.


Power corruptsā€¦
No one is immune as we all have an ego which will leads to the path paved with good intentions.

I like the philosophy that what happens in my home is my business (assuming it does not negatively impact others). Then what affects the community is handled by the community and so forth up the chain. Conflicts occur because someone elseā€™s good intentions conflict with my good intentions. And we all know whose good intentions are the better intentions.


Legalization has hit critical mass. Anything anyone does only expedites the process. Any resistance is perfunctory; those resisting know damn well their efforts will change practically nothing. Our current situation has been 50 years in the making, and itā€™s not going to change overnight. Whatā€™s happening now is desensitization. Hemp is legal (finally) and about half the country lives in legal jurisdictions, and the world isnā€™t coming to an end as a result. Cannabis is going to become more like moonshine: technically illegal, but the law is practically never enforced.
Things are changing radically. Be patient and count your blessings. Some of us live in fully illegal jurisdictions.


Or it will be like in Georgia.

That would be nice but may be wishfull thinking.
The latest trend is ramping up enforcment, millions of dollars are being thrown at enforcement in my state right now as we speak/type.


Interesting article and topic. Thanks for sharing.
Found this;
Cannabis in Asia: its center of origin and early cultivation, based on a synthesis of subfossil pollen and archaeobotanical studies | SpringerLink.

If I am reading this correctly, there is evidence of cannabis, (pollen), being around for millions
of years which would lead me to suspect that ā€œArchaicā€ man, Denisovans, Neanderthals were
probably familiar with the plant long before Homo sapiens sapiens became the dominant species.
If genetic material was passed around, knowledge and know how was probably shared too.

Just a speculation, no hard evidence yet. I do think a multi-use plant would not go unnoticed.


How many cultivars that we consider landraces have been worked by ancient humans? Now THATS an interesting question.


Iā€™ve read, and believe, that all mammals have an endocannabinoid system. Given that simple fact, it only makes sense that weā€™ve had a serious relationship with weed, probably longer than ā€œweā€ have actually been. Mammals developed that system, not more recent ā€œprotoā€ or modern humans. Weā€™ve been very close friends for a very long time. And perhaps I will renew that friendship right now!


My go to guy is Professor Raphael Mechoulam and his team in Israel.
I am reasonably sure they found two human cannabinoids recently.
The Dutch have good research too.
I too am renewing that friendship right now.


Keep in mind that it took 50 years to get where we are today. Dialing enforcement back is also going to take time. Itā€™s a process, so be patient. Progress will stall, and even backslide but the tide has turned.
Everything youā€™re saying is correct, but perspective is important. I lived through the 80s and 90s, and things are very, very different now. Count your blessings, but settle in for a long campaign.


Seriously, what is a human cannabinoid? Does that mean a cannabinoid that ā€œfitsā€ our receptors?

Perhaps seriously, even as a retired person, that sounds like a job Iā€™d sign up for! mota, the human cannabinoid!