Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Cannabinoids Effective Against New Variants

Van Breemen added that CBDA and CBGA blocked the action of emerging variants of the virus that causes Covid-19, saying that “our research showed the hemp compounds were equally effective against variants of SARS-CoV-2, including variant B.1.1.7, which was first detected in the United Kingdom, and variant B.1.351, first detected in South Africa.”

Recently, a pharmaceutical company has announced an early trial evaluating a cannabidiol treatment in severe and critical COVID-19 infections


Shit, I’m gonna fight me some COVID-19 and get healthy! Where’s my bong?!!!


Amazes me that the more healthy that researchers discover this thing of ours is for us, the more it drives government bat shit crazy. And I mean that on both sides of the fence. On one side they see a pot of gold to raise revenues for “social equity (which is horseshit in itself)” or they are still trying to perpetuate the lies from “Reefer Madness” while dog piling new bullshit on top.

Wake up. We have thousands of years of experience of enjoying the many, many uses of this plant (beyond a nice buzz to get you through the day) and they still bombard us with lies and propaganda. Like we don’t know better. WTF.

I don’t believe in being a single issue voter, but sometimes enough is enough. Move over old boss we bringing on the new boss. Let some other constituents fume over for a while.

Sorry if this is too political, but I need to vent. Some crap even cannabis can’t touch.


Lawsuit filed against marijuana tax stacking in Missouri


That was a perfunctory act. They know damn well they can’t stop legalization, but have to create the illusion of doing something. A lot of people are doing that anymore. None of what they say is legally binding, and everyone knows it. Let them make all the noise they want.
Remember that laws, policies, etc. are merely words on paper. Paper reverts to its intrinsic value in the face of human will and action; laws are no more effective than the people who enforce them. The number (and zeal) of people tasked with enforcing cannabis laws decreases every day. Cannabis (and probably quite a few other things) will be legal by the end of the decade. Hell, April 20 may become a federal holiday before all is said and done.


Screw the voters and what they vote on. I will decide what is right for the state of Ohio


When I think of the children I think “get off my porch!”


Not to mention, “Stay out of my garden I have an 8 foot fence with a padlocked gate around it for a reason!”


Now that is appears to have a positive effect on “butt cancer” ( in addition to all the other positives surrounding it) how can you not praise and legalize such a wonderful plant. Oh that’s right (as in ultra conservative) Highly religious, who believe the path to nirvana is paved with pain, needless suffering, and devoid of any fun (other than demanding others adopt a similar lifestyle).


Well said brother man!

The former DEA administrators and directors of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) said in the letter that DEA should do just that: ignore the scientific conclusions of HHS and refuse to proceed with a Schedule III reclassification.

They said that they are “gravely concerned” about the potential reform, arguing that “there has been no evidence that marijuana’s schedule should change” in the seven years since the federal government last considered a rescheduling petition.

In a nutshell, this says…
Ignore the truth and tell the public more lies.
Meanwhile the govt. has a patent on medical use.
There is real scientific evidence that shows Cannabis could be helpful in saving lives when it comes to covid, cancer ect.

When will the Mother F’ers quit telling lies?
Probably not until they are called on it.

It would seem our congress needs to be educated properly, they seem to have their head up their asses…WTF is wrong with these folks?
Why do we vote for folks that are totally clueless to the issues we face?
There is no doubt a disconnect between reality and what these folks think is reality.
I feel if you are not qualified to do your job properly, then get the fuck out, why were you there in the first place?
The last thing we need is a congress that is out of touch running the country.

This is a pretty simple concept to grasp…
I feel if you can not be trusted to do your job properly, then get the fuck out, why were you there in the first place?

Sabet even criticized a member of Congress for allegedly misunderstanding the disconnect between scheduling status and penalties.


Just to be clear.
There are a lot of us “highly religious conservatives” that do realize the positive impact that this plant offers. We are just not represented by a congress that is bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical machine. In churches around the country people are turning to CBD for their aliments. THC is working its way in as well.
Please don’t lump all religious conservatives into that group of uncaring power/control hungry bastards.
Just saying.


It’s almost like a political statement…


If I got too political I will remove that post. I just felt compelled to respond.


I didn’t mean you :wink:


That was directed at me. :wink:
He is only here to be a thorn in my side, this is very evident and is the only purpose of that statement.
He is hoping to get the thread shut down.
He does not approve this message… :rofl:

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