Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I am here to live my life and be free from your views if I so choose.

And don’t tell me what I’m hoping for because it’s worse than you imagine.


You know the truth and it is very evident to those who can think for themselves.
Denial is not a river in Egypt… :rofl:
Is it too much to ask for you to put me on ignore?

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If that’s so perhaps you could put down your megaphone for 5 minutes.


I apologize sinisterly for invading your thread that isn’t even yours.


Well… This was fun. See y’all later.


Was it? I thought it was directed at @Cybersmib (s/he seemed to be the source of the comments @MoBilly was objecting to).


Also, aren’t we supposed to be happy they didn’t reclassify… sort of… because reclassification was complicating in a way they weren’t up front about?


this is really pissing me off, how can the government keep doing this? i think there have ben several court cases with a few provincial government and I don’t think there has been any movement on home grows in the provinces that banned it. At least pretend to not be totally interested in controlling the sales and being the sole dealer in town.


Can we claim this thread? I claim it for California.

In other news


Now this is some journalism I can get behind. Funny how everyone was going in store for seeds, just shows how we need more education that you can buy them nationwide.


Outta likes.

Claim it for William B. Ide!


In Canada I think you need to purchase them from a store AKA a Govt. approved retailer.
I think cannabis seeds not purchased from a Govt. approved store are considered black market and may be illegal.
I am not Canadian so it is probably best to hear from someone who is.
@SHSC-1 do you have any comments on legally purchasing cannabis seeds in Canada?
I think you were the one who told me this, not sure where I heard it really.

The farm bill may be changing so seed purchases may become more difficult here in the USA depending on how the farm bill changes in the future.
Thanks to @Gonzo for the video link. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Time for a drug war against Egyptian mummies!


What shuts down threads is people posting and interjecting their political opinions into threads and then getting mad when people point out that they shouldnt be doing that and then posting pictures of dog shit because, well, why not right?

@moderators have already closed one thread for a day because of a cleanup of literal shit posts and we dont feel like doing it again.


i’m sorry. i couldn’t resist adding my shitpost.

I am sorry if your reply got buried with all of the mudslinging, I ain’t exempt from blame there. :pensive:
This is good to see, folks are becoming aware of its real medicinal value, it is no longer a plant from hell, it is truly a gift from God.

That is why I run my mouth like I do. :smile: well part of the reason anyway… :rofl:
I hope some one somewhere will hear the message and then tell someone, then they will tell someone ect. like the shampoo commercial from the 70’s

Anyway my friend in WV I told ya about is on the mountain top, he basically quit going to church because the folks at the church all knew he smoked weed.
It is very sad because his mom is ill and her family won’t come see he because of weed.
Now mind you this man has taken care of his mother for the last 10-15 years as her health declined.
What I am saying is he is a stand up guy, like most of you hillbilly types are. :star_struck:
So it is good to see these closed-minded folks opening their mind to truth instead of the lies they were fed by the Govt.

That can not be said loud enough or enough times.
That is the major issue I had with legalization from the start.
From what the politically active folks I know told me, Normal basically sold us out at the time of legalization.

Legalization for the people and by the people would have been worth waiting for but we took the first deal offered and it has been a shit show ever since.


Just so you know that is not at all what happened.
I am not trying to argue here, but if that is directed at me, that is a false allegation.
You only need to review the thread for the truth.
I would give you my side of things but you don’t wanna hear all that blabber so I won’t. :speak_no_evil:


When big pharma stops paying them to do so :wink:


As I found out two days ago the gov liquor and weed store does sell seeds, according to my buddy the ones he got we very good surprisingly. When the legalized cannabis they gave an amnesty on all cannabis, so technically all seeds are are no longer black market.


Apparently cannabinoids naturally occur in breast milk. Probably in the milk of all mammals.

Edit: they are not exactly cannabinoids but cannabinoid-like molecules, that also interact with our endocannabinoid receptors.

I guess you could compare it to DMT, LSD and psilocybin also being similar in molecular structure to eachother. Some more potent than others.