Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I garden and I’m 374 years old


That’s SCIENCE in action.


Anecdotal but definitely worthy of further study.

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That’s for participation in state medical programs. Anyone who doesn’t live in a medical/legal state is out in the cold. Georgia has a medical program, but it can’t be more than 5% THC. It’s a step in the right direction, anyway. Even small changes can lead to larger changes.
The wheels of societal change turn slowly, but at least cannabis isn’t still VERBOTEN! across the board like it once was.


Right in the middle of a war…

If approved, Ukrainians with a medical prescription will be allowed to buy marijuana six months after the law goes into effect. Recreational use won’t be allowed, and production will be tightly controlled by the government.

That’s better than the current policy, which is bullshit.

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Well, Ohio just overwhelmingly voted to make recreational cannabis legal. All eyes move to look at what the Ohio Legislature will do now. Many on the extreme right have been promising they will immediately repeal the new law.

With any luck, they’ll look at their double digit loss and decide to not go against the will of the people.


So recreational will be legal in Ohio on December 7, as will home growing up to 6 plants per adult, 12 plants maximum per household.


Gubmint out of our pants and MJ. way to go Ohio!


Quick note after last night, Ohio makes 24 states with legal recreational cannabis. Two more states makes a majority of states and the movement will hit critical mass.


Said days for Portugal, I always tought that Portuguese Government with it majority would pass the recreational law…welll Government went down so best luck in future.


A sad tale.


It’s a Sh!t show here for sure. The mso that control the medical sued ny effectively halting new dispensary operations from opening. They did it just because they want early access to the market. Rec prices also undercut medical prices, so lot of customers just buy rec instead

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Man! What a fuster cluck NY is putting its farmers through.

NY just sucks all around. Sad to see but not surprised.

I always have mixed feelings on the aspergillus thing (someone in the article lamented that their crop failed testing)… on the one hand, it is true that a number of species of mold are omnipresent in the environment and you have to deal with that fact (e.g. botrytis). On the other… if your crop is testing positive for aspergillus… I suspect something is going wrong, because outdoor cultivators in the northeast (and no doubt elsewhere) do manage to pass tests for aspergillus.

I both really feel for these people and I’m a little confused how/why they sank that much money into their operation not knowing whether it would pay off? When it comes down to it cultivation is farming, and farming is a risky business in general, let alone farming without any of the benefits legal farming gets from the federal government.

Admittedly NY’s market does seem like it should be a good bet, at least until federal legalization happens and the market goes national.

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There are a couple NY state people I follow on ICmag, they seem to be doing alright

You have to do some preventative/ remediation for aspergillosis. It’s an automatic fail if any is detected, which is different from some of the others which are a spore count. In ny

It’s the same in Vermont.

I wonder if any states require that cultivators disclose failed tests? I don’t think Vermont does, but maybe they require you to indicate why you’re throwing away a lot (flower that fails for aspergillus is allowed to be sold to manufacturers for specific kinds of extraction).

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