Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

In ny if you fail you can remediate and retest. Any alcohol or butane extraction will kill any mold/ bacteria you do not need to report a fail

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I am pretty sure you can remediate with radiation then use ozone then use chlorine dioxide or several other methods one right after the other and you donā€™t have to tell anyone.

If you still donā€™t pass you can do that forever until you do pass.
No wonder people flock to 2 year old repeatedly remediated weed at the storesā€¦ :grimacing:

I want mine with extra radiation, so I can be like Chevy Chase.


And here I am wasting my life away with some old homegrown. Can food grade radiation be had on the net (dark or otherwise)? Canā€™t find it on Amazon.

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Vermont updated their regulations, they now require cultivators report test failures (and made it a major no-no if they fail to report).


This probably isnā€™t the place, but have you heard of the strain Vermont Dream?

No, but Iā€™m not from Vermont and am somewhat ignorant.


I gotcha. Thanks

Thanks for the infoā€¦
This is interesting and much needed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Now if they only started requiring that sorta thing to be put on the label so unsuspecting consumers would be aware of what has been done to their weed before they bought it.

Somewhere along the line they did add remediation to the regulations, so it is possible to purchase something that failed but was remediated and then passed.

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That just sounds scary to meā€¦LOL
A Mobile Food Irradiation Facility

But you may never know.

It would seems radiation can create cancer causing chemicals in food.
I wonder what it does to cannabis?
Do other forms of remediation create health hazards too?

I feel this sorta stuff needs to be on the label.
Maybe put that pic of chevy on there tooā€¦ :rofl:

The microbe/bacterial levels almost guarantee remediation to pass. Although out of 100s of years this does not sound like itā€™s a real issue.
Iā€™d be much more concerned with heavy metals, poison sprayed on the flower.
Iā€™ve found ozone and hydrochlorous acid to be effective so far. That does of course mean meticulously going through your bud and putting any questionable stuff to bio for extraction


Is this used as a gas?
I have heard of chlorine dioxide gas being used.

Fair enough, hold the poison. :face_vomiting:

Iā€™m not sure I spelled it correctly. There is a thread a deep dive about it.
Basically spraying the plants with the hyphochlorous than hanging to dry in a room with ozone. Iā€™m not positive itā€™ll work but weā€™re trying



I expected this. My biggest concern is home growing. I half suspect heā€™ll try to get the legislature to make home growing illegal.


From what Iā€™ve read so far it seems like heā€™s mostly concerned with advertising (billboards?), public consumption, and edible packaging. Others (Huffman) seem concerned with the ā€˜social equityā€™ part and want money collected from taxes going towards police and prisons instead.

DeWine outlined several goals, although they didnā€™t come with specific policy proposals:

  • Protect children from marijuana advertising and edibles. Ohio and other states with recreational marijuana prohibit sales to minors, but cases of children younger than 6 who ingested edibles have increased exponentially since 2017, according to National Poison Data System data.

  • Ensure Ohio doesnā€™t see an uptick in people driving under the influence of marijuana.

  • Limit the publicā€™s exposure to marijuana smoke.

ā€œI had the experience a month or so ago being in some unnamed state, you walked around the city and there was a rare time when you were not smelling marijuana,ā€ DeWine said. ā€œThe voters have said people have a right to smoke marijuana āˆ’ thatā€™s fine. But other people have the right not to smell it and not to have their kids and grandkids exposed to it.ā€

DeWineā€™s comments came days after Senate President Matt Huffman, R-Lima, and House Speaker Jason Stephens, R-Kitts Hill, promised their own changes to Issue 2. They want to look at tax rates, revenue distribution and THC content caps, among other provisions, but neither signaled that they plan to push for a total repeal.

At least they plan to have everything in motion by the 7th so weā€™ll know soon enoughā€¦

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of holes in what was passed,ā€ DeWine said. ā€œI think (it) would be good if that was all done and done by the 7th so that weā€™re not in a situation of taking something away from people. Weā€™re not in a situation of telling them, 'For X number of days itā€™s going to be one thing, and then an X number of days after that itā€™s going to be something else.ā€

Cautiously optimistic that they will leave home-grow alone.


ā€œI canā€™t believe in 2023 weā€™re actually talking about elected officials not respecting the will of the voters and not respecting the outcome of an election,ā€