Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


I never trust any politician to not do the wrong thing.


I am now back in Florida full time.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Trulieve is enthused by the potential passage of recreational reefer largely because it totally ignores legalizing home grows. How very convenient for Trulieve, but what a slap in the face to home growers. Go figure…?

Farcical indeed.


For sure.

I just get the impression that they are not as worried about the relatively small amount of money lost to people who exercise their right to home-grow compared to where the money collected via taxes is going.


We are gonna have to get together and trade beans and cuts.

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My fear is the people who are going to be paying those taxes view home growing as direct competition, and they are also the ones who line the pockets of the politicians to get what they want.


you are correct with that thought, but what folks fail to realize is that it is not that big of an issue. not that many folks will attempt to grow and about half of those will quit after realizing how much work it is. there just isn’t a lot of call for home growing, especially with the “right now” culture that can’t wait on anything. lots of folks in meigs county celebrating right now i’d bet though…


Chinese are all over the World making money. They are very focused industrious people who like making money. Oklahoma is in the same boat as Maine with Chinese dominating rural cannabis grows.


Not sure how this isn’t merely a repetition of the Daily Caller piece that was posted in here a month or so back. “The Maine Wire” appears to be a right-wing Maine news site (given that the editor in chief refers to himself as “a practicing anti-Communist”).

ETA: It wasn’t in this thread, it was its own thread

What I don’t get is… if local law enforcement is well aware of these operations, why don’t they do something about it? Reading among various articles it sounds like the locals try to pass it to the state, and the state tries to pass it back to the local agencies. Meanwhile they all look at the federal government wondering when they’ll do something.

If you think it’s a problem, then maybe do something about it on the local level? Or maybe this is another place where the local sheriffs offices only work when they’re getting paid.


or maybe someone’s getting paid to look the other way…


I’ll throw my .02 cents up. I absolutely think it’s political. The amount of blatant black market stores in NY is staggering! They’re not really doing anything to close them down at the moment.
If a quarter of the people using black market stores went through the dispensary, the demand would be insane.


They aren’t doing a very good job of it if they’re blabbing to local media and the feds about these seemingly well-known operations?

Different, but in VT the county sheriffs offices are businesses that for the most part don’t receive taxpayer funding (towns pay them to provide services, and they do contract work for construction etc). I wonder if it’s similar in ME.

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i don’t know who’s blabbing and who’s getting paid, or if it’s even happening at all, just a guess based on past experiences. in wv it’s all funded. it’s also apt to be corrupt as hell. i had a friend once who was the town cop of my home town, population around 500. no shit he carried a huge stick like the movie walking tall. he got the job as a lark and it lasted about a year i think. funny as hell, especially with the crap we pulled growing up in that area. yeah, that was all decades ago though, i’m sure it’s better now.

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Where I live every town opted out of having cannabis dispensary’s. They are creating a problem for themselves. If you can’t find a place to buy cannabis you will get it however you can. NY really screwed up in many levels on their legalization.

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Most towns opted out on advise from lawyers. Unclear law at the time, so lawyers advised towns to opted out with the ability to opted in at a later date. If you didn’t opted out you had to say yes. However towns that didn’t opted out are now using zoning laws to make opening a dispensary are nightmare, especially on Long Island
If you don’t mind what area are you @Blackbeard ?


I live on Long Island. The lawmakers were saying they didn’t want people driving under the influence in their towns. It made me laugh because what do you think they were doing before legalization? Now they have to drive even farther under the influence. Makes no sense.


Long Island is a complete Sh!t show. They don’t want the dispensary in the retail areas, so they send them to industrial parks. In the industrial park they are told no retail. From the guys I talked to it’s all political


I agree it’s a joke. You figure they would welcome the tax money and jobs. They really are creating a thriving grey market here. Plus it seems that the cannabis control board is clueless.