Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I am here in Illinois. Recreational taxes are based on THC% and can not exceed 30%.
Went into a dispensary in Chicago the other night to kill some time.
These were there prices for flower.
If you were wondering?
There is a $60 savings applied if you buy 8 1/8’s :flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:
Avoid Mint Chocolate Chip :joy::rofl:


Well, I have never been to any dispensary, and it is likely that I never will.
I have never been legal, and at this point, it seems unlikely that I ever will be.

I am quite accustomed to being an outlaw, but I have been self-sufficient for longer than I can remember.

Regardless, I think that we can all see that legalization can be a double edged sword.


Was Kittery’s pot-license lottery stacked in favor of those with the most cash?

The owner of a local cannabis business, who did not win the right to apply for a license, says people gamed the system and has threatened to sue the town. Meanwhile, the Maine attorney general is investigating whether the lottery was illegal.


Hahaha… an editorial written by Knuckleheads…

Ignorance begets ignorance.



Taking their stolen genetics, adding some genetic markers then claiming the strains as their own.

Just another reason I’ve never spent a dime on ‘legal’ Canadian bud.



Well, this piece appears to be shilling for dispensaries, with no mention of the best option for most consumers… Overgrowing.


Now they are Focusing on the retail licenses, meanwhile the cultivators licensing process which started in December is a clusterfuck, and barely anything been approved or even accepted. So just WHERE are those retailers getting product from?

Worried about being able to supply the market, yet imposed a cap on cultivators at 37 licenses (which originally didnt include micro cultivators but now does).

And " vaults were bursting at the seams with rotting cannabis" LOL. uhm, first, get that humidity under control. WHY is your cannabis rotting!!! Second, why do the ATCs get to ramp up production before regular cultivators licenses are issued, especially if theres a concern about not meeting medical demand, but yet their " vaults were bursting at the seams with rotting cannabis" … AND they haven’t yet been approved for recreational as an ATC?


They are charging those prices and somehow YOU are the criminal.

I still look over my shoulder. It’s an old habit that will never die.


The worst part about that is the BS that happens AFTER their shit weed pollenates your crop if grown outdoors. Not only do you get seedy ruined bud, but they will lay claim to the genetics, like Monsanto does, and force farmers to destroy crops or be sued, because Monsanto’s pollen decided to trespass on some poor small time farmers crops…

Personally, plant patents are a slippery slope. Maybe for a certain cutting only situation (coleus come to mind), but once a seed has been made, your claims are lost, and the new seed maker is the new owner as there’s some genetics introduced usually. Derivatives of things shouldn’t have the same degree of protection as the original when we’re talking seeds. Not ONE human on earth has made a seed from scratch, the plants have been doing it…


What a puff piece. Nothing new here. And there’s a typo in the tag line :face_vomiting:

I used to get “loyalty discounts” from my dealer many years ago.

And really enjoyed the “legal weed cares about the environment” part :rofl:


There’s some truth in all the smoke… Some middlemen have been busted / have admitted to buying bulk hemp and pennies on the dollar vs good cannabis flower, spreading it out, spraying it with Delta 9, then spraying it with various liquid terpenes, turning a few hundred dollars into 10k, 20k. Smells like weed cause of the terps, delta 9 will get ya sorta high, and it looks dank most times, but its cheap hemp or CBD bud thats sprayed.

Now as a grower, this isnt the case for you, but there ARE unscrupulous middlemen out there who will do that to 200x their investment.

Loyalty discounts back in the day were like that extra dime tossed in to “try something new”. lol

Legal weed cares about the environment as much as the government regulations tell them to care about it. LOL. i think craft growers give more of a damn about the environment, especially organic, and thats not gonna be large scale big canna style grows…

My biggest dissuasion is cross-contamination with syhtnetic opiods. Recently a bust near me with 234lbs of weed, fentanyl and other shit. A few grains of fentanyl on my weed would put me in anaphylactic shock so fast, I don’t even wanna contemplate it (learned that after a motorcycle accident at 13, demerol almost killed me they needed to use morphine). If I grow my own, there’s zero chance ever of any cross contamination :slight_smile: And in the past, I would trust the dealers I picked up from, but these days its becoming more of a crap shoot unfortunately. And well, its cheaper and better variety if I just grow my own :smiley:


Money, power, control.