Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The fire is not where the neighbor said it was.
The time stamp on this pic says 7 hours ago.


Outta likes.

Move downwind and inhale deeply. :wink:


I quickly scanned through the last 130 or so posts to catch up and see a lot about the shitty way ā€˜legalizationā€™ is being implemented in various states and how itā€™s mainly being taken over by the usual corporate greedy mofos like booze and tobacco were long ago.

As many know here in Canaduh we went ā€˜legalā€™ in Oct 2018 and at that time you needed about 5 mil to get into the game with all the security needs and red tape to chop your way thru. Same pile of crap many states are doing one at a time down there thanks to pot still being Schedule 1 federally.

Iā€™m not 100% up on how the scheduling works but gather that if placed in 3 it basically puts in in the line of fire for big pharma and the FDA to be in charge so instead of legalization you get what we have here which is ā€˜legalizationā€™ if you know what I mean.

Years before we went ā€˜legalā€™ I was already saying in forums like CC and RIU while OG was still off the air that we would end up with what we have now. Just like it was with alcohol and tobacco there were many hardcore users like many of us older tokers who raged against the machine and grew our own tobacco or built a still and made good money on the BM side of things.

Just like happened with those as the younger crowd ages into the system they mainly grow to accept it. Home growing of tobacco or home brewing of beer and wine or distilling your own hard stuff have become niche markets except for real criminals who are willing to take risks to supply a dwindling market of like-minded rebels.

The vast majority of tobacco users and drinkers just buy the outrageously over-taxed legal stuff now and as much as hate to even think it, it is going that way with cannabis too and as much as we donā€™t want that to happen thereā€™s not a hell of a lot we can do about it.

One good sign here is like with micro-brewing and micro-distillers the regulations around supplying pot have relaxed so micro-growers supplying higher quality bud to discerning smokers are being allowed into the market. Still going to take a big chunk of cash to get your foot in the door but not multi millions like it was at the start. Profit margins are squeaky tight so you really have to be dedicated to your craft to even want to play.

Iā€™m pretty sure the same progression will happen in the US. the states that went ā€˜legalā€™ early on had a lot of people making great money growing off the grid and moving product to the states still under full prohibition. As more states go ā€˜legalā€™ that market dwindles and prices tend to drop like a stone for early suppliers like as happened in the western states where you couldnā€™t even give away outdoor bud and hydro cost more to grow than you could sell it for.

Sad as it is it seems to me to be inevitable. For myself I have so much bud and sugar trim stashed away I need to get it together and turn it all into oil before itā€™s of no use and I just toss it all out. I donā€™t even have any plants going now but have some CBD seeds I still want to grow and some of that PPP Iā€™d like to try yet. I can even get free hemp flower from the farm down the road that tho pretty low in CBD at maybe 6% or so could be turned into good meds and will cost me nothing. One of the owners/farmer gave me permission to come by after they chop it down and take all the flower I want as they just grow it for fibre. I have about 8lbs from last fallā€™s crop waiting for me to make oil with and send some to a lab to see if itā€™s going to be worth it. Lots of seeds so probably 5 or 6 lbs once I clean it up for processing.

Iā€™ve been messing with pot since I was about 13 so thatā€™s 56 years of my life being a rebel. Once i get some seeds going Iā€™ll be over the 4 plant limit so there is that. My only other act of defiance these days is I still havenā€™t bought a single gram of ā€˜legalā€™ bud and plan to never give that market a dime.

Last spring I got a little boat and did a lot of fishing and am now getting back into tying flies, jigs and building rods. All things that gave me joy many years ago before life, kids and just surviving became my focus.

Chronic depression after a near fatal hammer attack in my early 20s kept me self-medicating with booze, pot and even pharma meds which were worse than the other until I dropped the pharma meds a bout 15 years ago and drank myself sick instead. 3 years ago last Dec I scored some 'shrooms and tried micro dosing before I ate my shotgun and put myself out of my misery. I am so glad I did. Within a couple of months I realized I actually felt happy once in a while and was only taking 50mg of Penis Envy a few days at a time here and there. By the end of May in 2021 I went to town on my usual Friday shopping trip fully intending to get a bottle of everclear and do my usual monthly 3 day bender then feel like crap for a few weeks until I did it again. Got my groceries into the car and headed across the parking lot to the vendors to score that bottle. Stopped half way there and thought about it for a sec and realized I didnā€™t want it so got in the car and went home.

At the end of this May Iā€™ll be 3 years sober. No cravings or withdrawal whatsoever in that time. I canā€™t swear the 'shrooms did that for me but Iā€™m happier now than Iā€™ve been my whole life even before the hammer incident. I occasionally think about getting a mickey and trying it out but my mind immediately goes to the dark side of how that shit made me feel after and that minor urge just blows away.

Iā€™m spending most of my online time hanging out in fishing related forums and FB groups these days. Lots to learn since I last built a basic fly rod almost 40 years ago. Expensive hobby to get into to build really nice rods and quite the learning curve but Iā€™m loving it and it helps keep the oldtimerz disease at bay and gets me out in the fresh air and sunshine which feeds my soul. If i get decent at it I might try doing some for a few extra bucks on the side but thatā€™s not my focus. Building a few rods for me and a couple for my son is the goal at the moment.

Iā€™ll still be dropping by to see how things are going and hope things end up working out OK in the pot world. If Biden were smart heā€™ll do like Trudy did up here and announce heā€™ll make pot legal once he gets back in the oval office next Jan for another term. Iā€™m almost certain heā€™ll be back regardless but that would cinch the deal for sure.



Thatā€™s basically the way it works here in Alberta. I believe 3ng is treated like a roadside suspension. Car towed and you canā€™t get it back for 24 hours. Before that happens tho the cop that pulls you over and maybe gives you a roadside breathalyzer that you hopefully pass because youā€™re too smart to drink and drive. If he still thinks you are impaired from some other substance then he can make you go before a DRE, Drug Recognition Expert. These are cops trained to determine if you are fā€™ed up on pot or other drugs. If that prick thinks you are then he can demand a blood sample and the penalties for refusing that are the same as refusing the breathalyzer. Youā€™ll get the same fine and license suspension as you would if found to be drunk.

For most of us old hands with pot I donā€™t think itā€™s much of a concern. We know how to ā€˜maintainā€™ when confronted by authority figures from years of practise starting with parents and teachers etc. I think itā€™s more likely kids who just look fried to the cop and end up getting screwed over. Any regular user is going to test way over 3 and I think itā€™s 5 here that nails you for impaired driving. They can charge you with impaired driving for falling asleep at the wheel too or being messed up on your legal pain meds etc. your ability to drive was impaired so thatā€™s the charge here. If alcohol then driving over 0.08 is also used.

My main worry is if you get involved in a serious accident then they tend to test all drivers involved. Same when I was driving truck in the oil patch. I was toking all day but as long as I didnā€™t have an incident nobody ever tested me. I used to drink on the job sometimes too but not enough to get stupid about it and draw attention to myself. Once the truck was parked then I might pound some back then hit the sack at camp.

Stupid way to try to prove impairment with pot tho and Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s being contested in courts tho I havenā€™t seen anything about it so donā€™t know for sure. Look at all the people out there taking doses of pain meds that would knock out a new user that are not really impaired at all. Or hung over assholes who are a lot more danger on the roads than a regular pot user.

Messed up for sure.



Once againā€¦ we try not to talk politics here, since we recognize that reasonable people are capable of having differences of opinion - and that the media exists to fan the flames of those differences into occasional shouting arguments. I know that youā€™ve said itā€™s different on RIU, where anyone whose opinion differs is instantly banned for being a troll, but please at least try to remember where you are and that anyone who disagrees with you is not automatically a ā€œbad OGer.ā€


Why wonā€™t they be going along with the will of the people?

When questioned about the lack of Congressional policy change in light of such strong support for legalization among voters of all political affiliations, Lee placed the blame on ā€œpolitical dynamics.ā€

ā€œOf course, itā€™s about elections and itā€™s about trying to make sure that the president is not successful, nor the House Democrats or the Senate Democrats,ā€ Lee said. ā€œRather than doing the peopleā€™s business, which is what we were elected to do, itā€™s just all about trying to stop President Biden from winning reelection.ā€

The suspected of being under the influence is ridiculous. Iā€™d be suspected every single time I drive just from red eyes! Legit allergies!
Police are already given more ā€œcredit ā€œ as witnesses than me. If they say you crossed the middle line you did.
The term suspected is really vague reminds me of conspiracy


I believe Stanford university did a study on what politicians do. The mega donor corporation and billionaire get their will done. The population who voted them in get 0


Facebook, Instagram and some other services down for everyone. Dont try and change your password****

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Marijuanaā€™s classification has always been a political question, not a medical one.

Biden noted that ā€œwe classify marijuana at the same level as heroinā€ and treat it as ā€œmore serious than fentanyl,ā€ which he said ā€œmakes no sense.ā€

After conducting its review, HHS recommended that the DEA move marijuana to Schedule III, which includes prescription drugs such as ketamine, Tylenol with codeine, and anabolic steroids.

That is just stupid because like sch. 1 sch. 3 ā€œmakes no sense.ā€

Way back in 1988, the DEAā€™s chief administrative law judge concluded that marijuana did not meet the criteria for Schedule I, only to be overruled by the agencyā€™s head.

What the hell are these folks smokinā€™??

I feel Cannabis does not belong as a sch.3 drug, it is not nearly as dangerous as Xanax ect.

Alcohol and tobacco are unscheduled why is cannabis not treated the way these 2 are treated?

Oh yea, like the previous post statedā€¦It is all political and nothing more.
Ah, legalization isnā€™t it grand?


Leaving this thread now so I can continue having a good day


Fun! x10 characters

I donā€™t doubt that there might be some people in Congress who are in part opposed to legalization for political reasons, but I suspect a fairly large number of them are simply convinced cannabis is bad, and a gateway to heroin, etc.


The DARE program along with reefer madness did a ton of harm unfortunately.