Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

All DARE did was make drugs look interesting to ten year olds and provide stereotypes for an “other.”.


Why do you think they are refusing to be properly educated on this topic?
The evidence is there, they are just refusing to believe it.
Do they think their feelings are more important than the real facts?

They must feel they are better educated than the DEA on this topic.
Maybe they should be sent to a re-education camp to set them straight…LOL

I dont understand why you think the DEA are such experts on drugs. It is not their job to be experts on drugs. It is their job to bring the drugs in/make drugs and then bust people for them. You lampoon the government and then cite them.

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I never said they were.
I don’t understand why you think the I said the DEA are such experts on drugs?

It was a simple statement…
The DEA says cannabis should not be sch. 1 but Congress said it should be sch.1

I am merely pointing out the DEA is better equipt to understand the situation compared to Congress.

I thought that was simple and easily understandable, but I guess not…LOL

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Implies that the DEA is educated on cannabis. I get it, education is on a spectrum, better does not equal well.

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Well they dam well should be…they are enforcing the drug laws after all.
Is it crazy to think the DEA should be properly educated before putting folks in jail?
If the dea is enforcing laws but is not properly educated, that would be bad…I would think everyone would have a problem with that.

From the links you provided, it would seem the DEA is corrupt.

“Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within a supervised routine of medical care,” it said. “It would be unreasonable, arbitrary and capricious for DEA to continue to stand between those sufferers and the benefits of this substance in light of the evidence in this record.”

“The administrative law judge recommends that the Administrator conclude that the marijuana plant considered as a whole has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, that there is no lack of accepted safety for use of it under medical supervision and that it may lawfully be transferred from Schedule I to Schedule II” of the CSA, Young wrote.

But despite the agency’s own law judge reaching that conclusion, then-DEA Administrator John Lawn rejected it,



They know the truth. All you need to do is compare what they say in office and what they do once they leave


What is that in the pic??
I know you are allowed to say it…me I will get banned for doing the same.
Folks here can see the truth for themselves, the true you is shinning through:astonished:


Everyone should read the great white lie. It’s written by DEA agent Michael Levine.

@CocoaCoir you need to put some pants on that!!!


I will check that out.
Looks like he has another called The Big White Lie: The CIA and the Cocaine/Crack Epidemic

I will bet white boy rick could tell us some stories.

When I was running the streets, the YBI’s were kings of the crack world.
The cops were told not to touch them, unless they were shooting folks.
Ironically the gun violence numbers dropped during those years.

A ton of crack was sold and everyone you knew was becoming addicted.
I personally saw cops drive right by somone selling crack on the corner.


Out of likes.

I might have the name wrong. A movie was made based off this book also


Dang I’m outta likes for the day :green_heart: :frog:

Dude is just saying the quiet part out loud about


This has been a large issue. I’ve been talking about this with a friend in Michigan who’s acommercial grower. The honest labs lose work and go out of business. That’s really sad from a science perspective.